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x remove Education, Graduate Teacher (GTC) Certification - Elementary
Credits Required

Courses for this program are a combination of online and in-seat on the Robert C. Pew Grand Rapids Campus.

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Graduate teacher certification in elementary education is an accelerated one-year program that includes 11 courses and 36 credits taken over three semesters. Topics include evidence-based practice for teaching literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies as well as facilitation of positive classroom environments, culturally responsive pedagogy, and foundations of special education. Courses are paired with robust clinical field experiences.

Completion of an additional 15 credits will fulfill the requirements for a Master in Education, Instruction and Curriculum - Elementary Education.

An application for the GTC program, available from the College of Education and Community Innovation, is due by November 1.

An additional application for admission to the College of Education and Community Innovation must be submitted by January 15. The $30 nonrefundable application fee is waived if the applicant has previously applied to GVSU.

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