
Lake Michigan Writing Project

Lake Michigan Writing Project

The Lake Michigan Writing Project (LMWP) is an organization of, by, and for teachers of writing at all grade levels and in all disciplines, dedicated to improving the teaching and uses of writing through a variety of programs. LMWP is an affiliate of the National Writing Project, an authorized professional development provider for NCLB, under Title II, Part C, Subpart 2. The LMWP is a university-school partnership. The LMWP develops regional leadership and research-based practices in reading, writing, and thinking, pre-K-college. We offer high-quality, data-driven professional development for schools and districts, collaboratively developed to respond to local needs. The LMWP conducts a four week intensive, selective, Invitational Summer Institute for experienced and reflective teachers. Teachers, pre-k-college, across subject areas, are welcome to apply. These teachers prepare to become leaders by demonstrating and inquiring into their most effective practices, doing classroom-based research, and strengthening their knowledge of writing by writing themselves. The LMWP supports these teacher-leaders in an ongoing way, sponsoring study groups, professional learning communities, teacher and action research groups, and Advanced Institutes.

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Page last modified April 16, 2009