Internship Health Compliance

All exercise science majors are required to complete the health compliance requirements prior to starting their fieldwork & internship. Students are also required to maintain health compliance throughout the fieldwork & internship experience.

The exercise science student will be enrolled in the health compliance system during EXS 320. The health compliance requirements are to be completed by the identified due date during EXS 320.

Health Compliance Requirements:

1.  Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - CPR/First Aid
2.  Physical Exam and Immunizations Form 3.  Criminal Background Check 4.  Drug Screen 5.  Tuberculosis Screening 6.  Annual Tuberculosis and Infection Control Training 7.  Annual HIPAA Training 8.  Annual Bloodborne Pathogens Training 9.  COVID Training 10. Student Authorization to Receive and Release Information 11. Flu shot 12. COVID-19 vaccines

Page last modified April 25, 2022