The Black Sheep Experience


The Black Sheep Experience

Experience Information

Employer: The Black Sheep
Job Title: Ad Sales Manager
Major: Advertising & Public Relations
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

The Black Sheep is a media company at over 35 colleges and universities in America. The Black Sheep is different than most media companies because they write social and entertainment content to students who will enjoy it. It's what college students want to hear and they love every bit of it. Their content is offered through newspapers, website, mobile app, social media pages, and guerrilla marketing. All of the staff is made up of college students and all of the positions are paid.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

As an Ad Sales Manager, I had the responsibility of finding clients that would like to advertise in either our print, online, mobile, or guerrilla marketing media. It was important to work with clients to ensure that their marketing campaign will target college students. Other tasks included communicating with other Black Sheep colleagues, work with the management team, and develop ad designs.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

What I learned most about this experience is the importance of communicating with current and potential clients. At first, when I started my internship, I was focused on getting my pitch right. After a while, I realized that client relations were more important. In order to make a sale, I knew that I needed to establish a friendship with the decision maker so they can trust me.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part was being able to make my own hours and making a schedule that worked for me.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

Although I will probably not choose this type of career in the future, I'm more of a creative than the account relations type, this experience has influenced me to focus on finding the brand personality in every client. It helps determine how to create a brand message in a campaign.

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