Internship at Allendale Public Schools


Internship at Allendale Public Schools

Experience Information

Employer: Allendale Public Schools
Job Title: Intern for Athletic director
Major: Sport Management
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: No
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Allendale Public Schools has over 2,600 students between its six schools, ranging from elementary to high school. Allendale High School has 787 and Allendale Middle School has 628 as of 2022. The high school offers 13 different sports, many of which have separate boys and girls teams.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I spent my time either working events or in the school. For events, I would set up before events, take down after, and make sure things were running smoothly during the event. Some things were specific to the sport. During boys soccer and basketball I would often be in charge of the clock and scoreboard. For football games I would work as the spotter, meaning I would watch who the ball carrier was and who made the tackle then give the numbers to the announcer. Most of my event work was focused on how to run an event and learn all the little details that make for a successful event. In the school, I did a wide range of tasks. Somedays it was organizing contracts. Other days I was hanging up or taking down posters in the gym. There were times where I just sat back and learned how do do things like scheduling games or would listen to my supervisor talk to coaches.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I feel that I am leaving this internship with the ability and knowledge to run any event. My supervisor made a it a point to get me as much experience and knowledge of each sport and event so I am prepared in the future. I also have a much better understanding of the work an athletic director does, whether its during events or during school hours. I have gained an understanding on how things like budgeting and scheduling are done, learned about the interview process for coaches, and the process of evaluating coaches.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of the internship was seeing all of the things that most people don't get to see. Whether it was all the setup and preparation for a big event, or the scheduling and the communication between the athletic director and coaches. Most people only get to see the games they are attending. I also really enjoyed working during the games. It felt a bit odd at first because I was so used to cheering for my own school, but I have grown to like Allendale and really enjoy seeing the athletes succeed.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience really made it clear to me that I would enjoy being an athletic director. Before I began this internship I thought it was something I might enjoy but wasn't fully sure. Once told my supervisor, "This is one of the first jobs I've had where I was still excited to go to work after being there for a few months". I also realize now that I need to start low and keep working my way up. While being an AD is the goal, I know I have to earn my place through experience and hard work. I will likely have to start as an assistant AD or coach, but anything I can to to gain experience and built my resume is worth it.

Internship Format

In Person

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