Welcome to Experience Matters!

A collection of internship and co-op experiences completed by Grand Valley students.

Grand Valley students are doing amazing things through professional experiences outside the classroom. This site gives viewers an inside look at these experiences. See some spotlighted experiences below, or click on View Experiences above to find more!

Experience Matters Experience List

JR Auto

Adam, Electrical Engineering

As a controls intern at JR Automation I was tasked with a variety of goals and jobs. This could have ranged from computer programming and debugging to swapping parts in and out of a machine trying...

Community Mental Health

Shona, Allied Health Sciences

A large part of my job here was to expand the resources for schools who had purchased the be nice. kits. This resource list included additional games, songs, books, activities, and fundraising ideas....

Mechanical Design Engineer

Caitlyn, Mechanical Engineering

While working with Patient and Caregiver Safety Team, I was able to have three main projects. I was able to design and build a voice of customer light fixture, a head adjustment system for the surgical...

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Page last modified June 5, 2015