
The PURPOSE of the Art and Science of Aging Conference is to:

  • Broaden the dialogue on aging in West Michigan
  • Provide new knowledge and skills, derived from multidisciplinary research and evidence-based best practices on healthy aging to the community            
  • Highlight important local resources and strategies for optimizing later life  
  • Prepare individuals and professionals in our community for the coming surging growth of older adults 

The MISSION of the Art & Science of Aging Conference is to:

  • Broaden the dialogue within our West Michigan region on the positive potentials of later life and holistic approaches to healthy aging
  • Serve as an interdisciplinary and inter-professional forum of research on aging topics and best practices in working with and for the older adult

Each year the Art & Science of Aging Conference:

  • Focuses on a timely THEME
  • Features a national expert on this theme as the KEYNOTE SPEAKER
  • Offers a series of 1-hour sessions by other presenters (faculty and professionals) on aging-related RESEARCH and BEST PRACTICES topics consistent with the theme
  • Hosts a PLENARYSESSION to bring all participants back together in celebrating some positive role models of our selected theme
  • Offers students a venue to display their research on aging in POSTER PRESENTATIONS
  • Offers local VENDORS a setting where they can present aging theme-relevant services or products 
  • Registered participants enjoy a BUFFET LUNCHEON
  • LOW registration FEES in order to encourage wide participation 

Who is our audience?

The conference seeks to enrich the aging-related knowledge base of:

  • Faculty and students
  • Community professionals who deal with older adults in health, social service, housing and aging-network settings 
  • Older adults themselves,  who are looking to learn more and share more of the aging experience
  • The general public

Page last modified September 19, 2023