IT News

Data Privacy Do's and Don'ts

January 27, 2023

Data Privacy Do's and Don'ts

Keeping your data private requires constant vigilance!  Here are some ideas that will help keep your information safe.

  • Wherever possible use multi-factor authentication.  Most major websites offer this option including, Amazon, eBay, and Paypal.  Options are usually under a profile option for security and privacy.
  • Make sure your devices and applications have updates turned on.  You should also periodically check that updates are indeed being applied.
  • Use anti-virus/anti-malware.  Many home services provide some sort of protection as part of their plan.  If you aren’t sure contact your home service provider.
  • Be wary of any email that you receive that tries to promote a sense of urgency.  For example, “ACT NOW or your account will be deleted!” This is a huge red flag for a phishing message!
  • Bad actors may also use telephone calls, and texts to try and gather information or trick you into revealing your personal account information.
  • Have a plan for backing up your data to a secure and preferably encrypted external drive or a cloud-based service.  Examples of places where you may be able to back up data include Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, and Apple iCloud.

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Page last modified January 27, 2023