Borrowing Policies

Loan Limits

The University Libraries allows users to check out a number of items at once. Current limits are:

  • Undergraduate Students: 50 items
  • Graduate Students: 100 items
  • Faculty: 100 items
  • Staff: 100 items
  • Retirees: 50 items
  • Alumni: 10 items



Loan Periods



Popular Reading

MeLCat Books

Undergraduate Student

8 Weeks

4 Weeks

3 Weeks*

Graduate Student

20 Weeks

4 Weeks

3 Weeks*


20 Weeks

4 Weeks

3 Weeks*


`20 Weeks

4 Weeks

3 Weeks*


4 Weeks

4 Weeks


* Depending on the lending library, loan periods for MeL books may be up to 90 days with one 30-day renewal.


  • GVSU-owned books:
    • Faculty, Staff, and Emeritus faculty have 12 renewals per checkout.
    • Graduate students have 4 renewals per checkout.
    • Undergraduates have 1 renewal per checkout.
    • Alumni get 1 4-week renewal per checkout.
    • Popular Reading books are limited to 1 renewal per checkout for all users.
  • MeLCat books can be renewed once. Depending on the lending library, the renewal period may be anywhere from 3 weeks to 30 days.


  • Books will be held for 7 days. MeLCat books will be held for 10 days.

Fines and Fees

  • The University Libraries does not charge overdue fines on materials. Borrowers will still be responsible for the replacement cost of items that are lost or damaged.
  • You will be charged $100.00 for books that are not returned. 
  • Overdue books or outstanding fees will prevent you from checking out additional items and may affect your ability to register for classes or graduate.

Reference Materials

Reference materials held at Frey Foundation Learning Commons in the DCIH can be checked out for one (1) week. Reference materials held at other library locations can only be used in the library.

Audio & Video

Loan Periods




Undergraduate Student

4 Weeks

4 Weeks

Graduate Student

20 Weeks

20 Weeks


20 Weeks

20 Weeks


20 Weeks

20 Weeks


3 hours in the library

3 hours in the library


  • Audio and video materials can be renewed once.
  • Videos borrowed from MeLCat cannot be renewed.

Holds and Recalls

  • Items will be held for 7 days. MeLCat items will be held for 10 days.
  • All checked-out items are subject to recall by another library user. If an item you have checked out is recalled, you will be given a new due date.

Fines and Fees

  • The University Libraries does not charge overdue fines on materials. Borrowers will still be responsible for the replacement cost of items that are lost or damaged.
  • You will be charged $100.00 for lost or damaged items.
  • Overdue books or outstanding fees will prevent you from checking out additional items and may affect your ability to register for classes or graduate.


Loan Periods

  • Laptops can be checked out for 4 hours and may be taken out of the building.
  • Laptops can be renewed once.

Fines and Fees

  • The University Libraries does not charge overdue fines on materials. Borrowers will still be responsible for the replacement cost of items that are lost or damaged.
  • You will be charged $1,000.00 for non-returned laptops.
  • Overdue materials or outstanding fees will prevent you from checking out additional items and may affect your ability to register for classes or graduate.

Journals and Magazines

Loan Periods

  • Magazines and journals may be checked out for 1 week with no renewals. Alumni may use magazines and journals in the library only.
  • Curriculum Materials Library magazines have the same loan periods as books.


  • Magazines and journals cannot be renewed.

Fines and Fees

  • The University Libraries does not charge overdue fines on materials. Borrowers will still be responsible for the replacement cost of items that are lost or damaged.
  • You will be charged $100.00 for bound periodicals that are not returned. 
  • If you damage a bound periodical, you will be charged for repair or replacement, whichever is cheaper.
  • Overdue books or outstanding fees will prevent you from checking out additional items and may affect your ability to register for classes or graduate.

Digital Creator Lab Materials

Loan Periods

  • Equipment can be checked out for 3 days/72 hours and may be taken out of the building.
  • Equipment can be renewed once.

Fines and Fees

  • The University Libraries does not charge overdue fines on materials. Borrowers will still be responsible for the replacement cost of items that are lost or damaged.
  • You will be charged replacement cost for non-returned equipment.
  • Overdue materials or outstanding fees will prevent you from checking out additional items and may affect your ability to register for classes or graduate.

Curriculum Materials

Loan Periods


Books & Magazines

Educational Media

Undergraduate Student

8 Weeks

4 Weeks

Graduate Student

20 Weeks

20 Weeks


20 Weeks

20 Weeks


20 Weeks

20 Weeks

GVSU Alumni

4 Weeks

4 Weeks


  • All CML materials can be renewed once.

Fines and Fees

  • The University Libraries does not charge overdue fines on materials. Borrowers will still be responsible for the replacement cost of items that are lost or damaged.
  • If you damage or lose an item, you will be charged for repair or replacement, whichever is cheaper. The minimum charge is $100.00.
  • Overdue books or outstanding fees will prevent you from checking out additional items and may affect your ability to register for classes or graduate.

Course Reserves

Loan Periods

  • Course Reserve items each have unique check-out periods, which can be anywhere from 1 hour to 1 week.


  • Course Reserve items cannot be renewed.


  • Course Reserve items cannot be placed on hold.

Fines and Fees

  • The University Libraries does not charge overdue fines on materials. Borrowers will still be responsible for the replacement cost of items that are lost or damaged.
  • You will be charged $100.00 for books that are not returned. 
  • Overdue books or outstanding fees will prevent you from checking out additional items and may affect your ability to register for classes or graduate.

Page last modified January 13, 2025