Maps and Hotel Information

Here are some maps and directions that may be helpful to you before and during the Math in Action conference.

Hotels and Travel

Click to access interactive map

An interactive GVSU Campus Map with Directions to GVSU is available. The conference will be held on the Allendale campus in Mackinac Hall (MAK, Building 45).

Please visit the GVSU hotels page, which lists many of the lodging choices in the greater Grand Rapids area within a 25 minute drive of the GVSU Allendale Campus.

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Day of the Conference

Click to zoom the map.

A zoom-in of the campus map showing the areas where Math in Action events will occur:

  • Parking is open at GVSU on weekends. No permit is needed. We suggest that you park in Lot C1 to be as close as possible to the conference. In case of full parking, lots D1-D2, C2, and B1 and are also available.
  • Check-in and registration is in Mackinac Hall (MAK), first floor, D-Wing. Enter near the tall yellow statue in the circular area just outside the building.

Click to zoom the map.

  • All regular sessions occur in MAK, first floor, D-wing (MAK D1-xxx). 
  • Keynotes will be held in Manitou Hall (MAN). Look for signs and directions in Mackinac Hall -- Manitou is directly connected to Mackinac.
  • Lunch will be served at "The Dish" in Kleiner Commons (KLC), which is located to the northeast of MAK.
    • Your meal ticket is behind your nametag badge 

Click to zoom the map. 


Page last modified February 17, 2025