Strategic Priorities 2016-2021

  • Within five years, two thirds of credit hours in MLL will be taught by tenure track faculty.
  • All courses in Modern Languages and Literatures (MLL) will explicitly target critical and/or creative thinking skills.
  • The majority of courses at the 202 level and above will incorporate information literacy skills and research competency.
  • The majority of MLL tenure track faculty will mentor students in undergraduate research, including McNair, SSD, S3.
  • MLL will develop advising processes that help students gain awareness of career options and complete their studies in a timely fashion.
  • All new faculty and staff participate in training on inclusion and intercultural competence.
  • MLL faculty will develop, lead, and promote high impact learning experiences (e.g. study abroad, internships, community engagement, and extra-curricular opportunities).
  • MLL supports the development of hybrid and online courses.
  • The majority of faculty in MLL will use LRC resources to engage students in innovative projects and pedagogies.
  • MLL will provide and support development opportunities to assist all its faculty in staying current with best practices in L2 pedagogy.
  • MLL will provide professional development opportunities for language teachers in West Michigan.
  • Tenure track faculty in MLL will disseminate their scholarship through conference presentations, publications, etc.
  • MLL will highlight its academic programs as well as student, faculty, and alumni success through its website and/or magazine.
  • Tenure track faculty in MLL will disseminate their scholarship through conference presentations, publications, etc.

Page last modified October 7, 2019