Faculty Mentor Information

Responsibilities of Faculty Mentor:  Faculty Mentors must be actively involved in mentoring the student through all aspects of the project, including: project determination and development, execution of project activities, achievement of project outcomes and preparation for presentation.

  • Clarify to the student your specific expectations related to the SSD project.
  • Confirm SSD Faculty Mentor designation on SSD Registration website by registration deadline

Obtain Research Approval: Assist student with submitting an application to the HRRC or IACUC.  Research must be approved before it begins.

To add a student as key research personnel in a previously approved study, submit a Change in Protocol form.

Please note: Exempt human subjects research must still be reviewed and approved by the HRRC.

Abstract development:  Mentor students through the revision process, checking for content, organization, punctuation, grammar, etc.

  • Refer students to GVSU Writing Center staff for additional support  www.gvsu.edu/wc/
  • Approve student's abstract on SSD Registration website by registration deadline.

Poster Creation (if applicable):  Mentor students through the design and revision process.

  • Show student examples of appropriate poster content, design and materials.
  • Edit poster content prior to final poster creation.

Presentation Skills:  Mentor students through the creative process by:

  • View and provide constructive feedback for presentation improvement prior to SSD
  • Promote professionalism during presentation
  • Attend student's SSD presentation for support and feedback.

Looking for Students to Mentor?

  1. Advertise your scholarly and creative interests.  Post a synopsis of your work and future interests on your office door as an invitation to student scholars.
  2. Invite select students from your courses that show interest and initiative to develop a project.
  3. Discuss the benefits of faculty-student partnerships in your classrooms.  Many do not realize how it will enhance their education and their future employment to work on a mentored independent project.
  4. Consider placing a statement in your syllabus about SSD. 

For example, “Student Scholars Day is held once each year to celebrate the scholarship and creative work performed by GVSU students.  The day showcases faculty-mentored student work, shared through many venues, including (but not limited to) oral presentations, discussion and panel sessions, fine arts exhibits and performances, and poster presentations. 

Student Scholars Day projects may be initiated as part of a course or as independent collaborations with faculty.  GVSU encourages all students to consider enhancing their personal and professional development by engaging in scholarly and creative work with faculty, and sharing your work with the GVSU community. 
If you are interested in initiating a scholarly or creative project, or want to know more about Student Scholars Day, please let me know or visit the SSD website, www.gvsu.edu/ours/ssd, for more information.”

Page last modified January 13, 2014