Research Protocol

Any research done at GVSU using radioactive materials must be approved by the Radiation Safety Committee. Anyone wishing to use radioactive materials must submit a proposal to the Radiation Safety Officer in advance so it can be approved prior to use.

Those wishing to use radioactive materials at Grand Valley should:

1) Read, be familiar with, and follow the procedures outlined in this manual. All users of isotopes should avail themselves of the information contained in this safety manual, and in the following publications of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Standards for Protection Against Radiation, and Notices, Instructions, and Reports to Workers, NUREG Vol. 7. They must also be familiar with the provisions of the GVSU Radiation Materials License.

Kitty Cats

2)Submit a " Proposal for Use of Radioactive Materials" which must be approved by the Radiation Control and Policy Committee before the experiment begins. All proposals must be signed by the Principal Investigator. The Radiation Safety Officer will assist in the completion of the form and will present the request to members of the Radiation Control and Policy Committee for evaluation and signature if approved.

3)Indicate on the proposal additional users of the radioactive materials and describe their experience, training, and capabilities to safely conduct experiments using radioactive materials. If significant assistance is necessary from other GVSU staff not involved in the research, but necessary for support of the research, such as lab supervisors, they must be listed as well.

4)Submit to the Radiation Safety Office a current curriculum vitae. The curriculum vitae should include practical experience in physically working with radioactive materials.


Page last modified November 24, 2014