GVSU Faculty Futures Team signup 
Thank you for your interest in the GVSU Faculty Futures Team! 

The Faculty Futures Team is for GV faculty who want to be the first to know about opportunities to demo new teaching and learning technologies or participate in teaching and learning innovation research projects. 

Please put your name and other information below, and you'll be added to a list of faculty to contact whenever there is an opportunity for faculty to test out new teaching and learning innovations. 

For questions or more information, please contact either: 
  • Robert Talbert, Professor of Mathematics and Presidential Fellow for the Advancement of Learning -- talbertr@gvsu.edu or 
  • Eric Kunnen, Senior Director of IT Innovation and Research -- kunnene@gvsu.edu 
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Your unit/department:  *
(Optional) Use the space below to indicate any particular interests you have in testing out technology. 
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