

Power Study Hour. Set a goal, 2 minutes (start here). Focused study, 30-50 minutes. Break time, 10-15 minutes. Review, 5 minutes.

4 Steps, 60 Minutes, 1 Goal!

Use the Power Study Hour, which outlines one of the best ways to study. The full study session is one hour, but is broken down like this:

Step 1: Set a goal (about 2 minutes)

  • Make your goal as specific and obtainable. The goal should have a clear beginning and end. 
  • Choose a task that can be finished in 30-50 minutes. Estimating work time may take practice, start with easier/shorter goals and work your way up!
  • Examples: I am going to read 15 pages from Chapter 5. I am going to complete 3 problems from my math homework. I am going to create a citation for 6 sources. 

Step 2: Focused study or work time (30-50 minutes)

  • Commit to a distraction free environment and work until you complete your goal OR you have worked for 50 minutes. 
  • Think ahead to Step 3 (a break!) to help with distractions.

Step 3: Take a break (10-15 minutes)

  • Give your brain a break - get up from your study spot and move around, get a snack or a drink if needed, address any distractions that may have popped up during work time.
  • Pro tip: Set a 15 minute timer on your phone as a reminder to refocus.

Step 4: Review (about 5 minutes)

  • Refocus after break time, and take another look at the work you completed.
  • Reassess your goal, and determine what your next steps should be. Next steps could be continuing with the same goal, moving on to a new task, or switching up courses
  • Pro tip: Be honest when you reassess. It's okay to start a new session with the same goal!


Deciding what you envision for your life will determine the goals you have for your life. Do you picture yourself walking across the graduation stage with honors cords? Do you envision yourself as the CEO of a company? Whatever you want in life is what drives the goals you have for yourself that will push you each day closer and closer to what you want in your future. 

In order to have effective goals, there is criteria to follow. Goals should be SMART.

Smart goals stand for: Specific, Measurable, Active/attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound



Helpful Websites

Please download & edit all handouts as you see fit! PDF formats may be more stylized (colors & images) while Word documents will be easier to edit or utilize accessibility tools. 


Goals Video

Video from Oregon State University Academic Success Center: https://success.oregonstate.edu/learning-corner/time-management/goal-setting

The Art of Goal Setting

The Art of Goal Setting, Keiana Cave, TedxUofM

Page last modified August 20, 2024