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Digging In, Displacement, and Dreaming: Capital and Social Capital in the Grandville Corridor

Digging In, Displacement, and Dreaming: Capital and Social Capital in the Grandville Corridor

Date and Time

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM


This event is free to attend.
The RSVP deadline has passed for this event.


SCB 1008 - Charles A. Loosemore Forum

L. William Seidman Center
50 Front Ave SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504


For over a hundred years the Grandville Corridor/Cesar Chavez Area has been home to generations of Latinos and Latinas from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba and a host of other Latin American countries. They have built neighborhoods, businesses, churches, schools and other institutions that have allowed their community to survive and occasionally thrive in the face of challenges that have included discriminatory practices, exclusion, and exploitation. It is an area of Grand Rapids beginning to feel the pressures of gentrification, on one hand, while continuing to grapple with all of the issues of an immigrant community on the other. It is also an area of the city many Grand Rapidians are unfamiliar with, despite its long history here.

Please join us for a luncheon in May , when the KBEI and local Grandville Corridor leaders will present on its current state: Who lives in the GC? How do they see their relationship to downtown? What investments are being made? What are the demographics and how are they changing? How do residents describe the quality of their lives and what are their aspirations for their children? What role is immigration playing currently? And so on. 

This event also appears on the main events calendar.


Please contact Michael DeWilde, [email protected], for more information.

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Page last modified March 14, 2024