Program Details: Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg-ENGINEERING

Is this program for me?

In partnership with the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Lörrach, the School of Engineering offers an opportunity for students to complete their third co-op experience during the fall term in Germany. DHBW offers more than 25 industry partners in a variety of industries. In addition to the co-op experience, students will also be required to take an approved engineering or business course. This program fulfills the General Education Global Perspectives requirement, and may fulfill the general education Issues requirement upon submission of the required reflection paper and form. The co-op is a paid internship which requires students to obtain a work permit prior to arriving in Germany. Past industry placements have included: Conductix, Wampfler, Araymond France, Frauenhofer Institute, Kaltenbach, and Vibracoustic.

DHBW Lörrach is located in the tri-national boarder region with Switzerland and France just a short distance away. You are certain to have a multi-cultural experience!

ELIGIBILITY: Open to students accepted into the School of Engineering, secondary admission required. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.7.

It is required that students meet with one of the following academic advisors PRIOR to applying for this program:
Electrical and Computer: Dr. Bogdan Adamczyk

Mechanical, Product Design Manufacturing (PDM) or Interdisciplinary: Dr. Wendy Reffeor

DHBW website



Cost Breakdown (Engineering)

Co-op placements are paid. 

Browse Study Abroad Scholarships

Visa Information

US citizens studying in Germany for more than 90 days must apply for a visa prior to entering Germany. Additionally, students will be required to apply for a work permit. For additional information, students can view the German Visa Guidelines. Please note that the appropriate consulate or embassy must be consulted for the most up-to-date visa information.


Housing and Meals

Students typically live in an off-campus apartment. Students will be required to make their own housing arrangements and prepare their own meals. Some companies may assist students with finding an apartment, but it depends on the support available through the student's work placement.   


Students will initially sign up for 6 credits of IS 380. Upon completion of the program, students will receive credit for the following:

EGR 490 (3 credits) Engineering Co-op 3*  AND either an approved engineering or business course* (3 credits).  *Students will not receive a grade for these courses, and instead will receive either credit (CR) or no credit (NC).

Both GVSU and DHBW faculty will facilitate your co-op abroad. You will be required to complete the GVSU online components of the co-op course, which will be facilitated by GVSU faculty/staff. DHBW will also have course requirements necessary for your co-op experience, which will be facilitated by a DHBW faculty advisor. The requirements may include a written report and oral presentation to be delivered to the DHBW academic supervisor and employer.

Global Perspectives: Participants who successfully complete the program will automatically receive credit for their world perspectives general education requirement.

Issues: Students may also submit a proposal to request the two courses completed abroad be used to fulfill the general education Issues requirement. Instructions

Students must receive approval from their academic advisor PRIOR to applying for this program.

     Electrical and Computer Engineering: Dr. Bogdan Adamczyk

     Mechanical, Product Design Manufacturing (PDM) or Interdisciplinary Engineering: Dr. Wendy Reffeor  

Pre-approved Course Offerings:

DHBW Numerical Simulation Techniques = EGR 329 Introduction to FEA  (Approved by Dr. Wendy Reffeor) *Maybe be used to fulfill one issues requirement (see instructions) and world perspectives requirement

DHBW Introduction to Economics = ECO 210 Intro to Macroeconomics (Approved by Dr. Aaron Lowen)  May be used to fulfill Social and Behavioral Sciences Foundations Gen Ed requirement OR one Issues requirement and world perspectives Gen Ed requirement.

DHBW Macroeconomics = ECO 280 "Macroeconomics" (Approved by Dr. Aaron Lowen). May be used to fulfill Social and Behavioral Sciences Foundations Gen Ed requirement OR one Issues requirement and the world perspectives Gen Ed requirement.



Working Abroad Necessities

The following arrangements must be worked out between the STUDENT and the EMPLOYER:

(1) assignment duration; (2) project duties; (3) hours worked (per week); (4) pay schedule and date of first paycheck (Germany companies often pay only once per month);

NOTICE ABOUT WAGES: German companies pay approximately 700 Euros per month for internships, which are approximately 36 hours per week. Pay is typically non-negotiable.


Page last modified May 9, 2024