The showcase has been a busy place!  Here are a few of the major milestones and events throughout the years we have been open.

Mary Idema Pew Library Learning and Information Commons - GRAND OPENING

The showcase was part of the new library grand opening in August 2013.

Library Grand Opening Photo

YETi CGI - Meet and Greet

On October 29, 2013, a “Meet and Greet” event was held for students, faculty, and staff interested in Gaming, Mobile App Development, or Programming. 

Who is YETi CGI?

YETi CGI is a Grand Rapids game design and production studio who developed the “Library Quest” game at GVSU.  In short, the Library Quest game is a mobile app that provides “quests” for students to explore the new Mary Idema Pew Library Learning and Information Commons.  By completing quests, students are able to learn about the library resources, services, and spaces while earning points for prizes.

This was our first featured event and we thank our friends at YETi CGI for making this opportunity possible!

Apply Now

Laker First Friday 2014

Laker First Friday is an annual event and this year, the showcase was a featured site in the library at GVSU!

Laker First Friday Photo

Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium 2014

The showcase was featured at the Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium in March 2014.

Photo from the Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium

Campus Life Night 2014

The showcase was part of the annual GVSU Campus Life Night. We had all sorts of visitors that wanted to give Google Glass a try!

Photo from Campus Life Night

#michED Meet Up at GVSU

The #michED attendees from the #EdTech Rally visited the showcase to talk about teaching and technology in K-12!

K12 Faculty and Staff Photo

Tech Talk - 3D Printing

Established this Fall is a brand new student organization at GVSU called "Tech Talks".  This group is designed to foster discussions, ideas, and collaboration at the intersection of innovation, technology, teaching, and learning.  In short the group is focused on connecting students that have an interest in sharing and learning about the latest and greatest in tech!  Throughout the year, several "Tech Talks" will be organized to focus on a variety of topics.

The first talk is on the topic of 3D printing and all students were invited to come to the showcase on Monday, November 24, 2014 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. The event was held in the showcase which is located in room 012 of the Mary Idema Pew Library Learning and Information Commons on the Allendale campus.

Students, faculty, and staff were welcome to stop by to talk about what’s new in 3D printing, create a project, or simply to learn about 3D printing at Grand Valley State University!

3D Printing Event Photo

GVSU CIS 150 Class Visit

The showcase was visited by several CIS 150 classes at GVSU!

CIS150 Class Photo

Super Science Saturday 2015

The showcase celebrated with the GVSU Math and Science Regional Center for "Super Science Saturday" and the 2015 Year of Light.

Wonder of Light Event Photo

1 Year Anniversary OPEN HOUSE

WHEN: Monday, February 9th, from 1-4 p.m. 

WHERE: Atomic Object Technology Showcase, 012 Atrium, Mary Idema Pew Library Learning and Information Commons

The showcase celebrated our first year at our 1 Year Anniversary Open House. The past year has been an exciting and eventful year for the showcase. Our mission is to make the technology showcase “an engaging and immersive space for students, faculty, and staff to interact, discover, learn and share how innovative emerging technologies can enhance teaching and improve student learning at GVSU”.   

Featuring food and fun, the showcase was open for students, faculty, and staff to come and see the latest technology, our new furniture, and to meet our student emerging technology specialists! 

More information about our open house can be found on our Facebook event.

Open House Photos

WOODTV8 News Visit

The eightWest program from WOODTV8 came to film a segment highlighting the GVSU G3 Camp and the showcase!


Kendall College Class Visit

A couple of “Introduction to Design” classes from Kendall College of Art and Design came to the showcase for a visit!

Kendall College Visit Photo

GVSU Region 12 Michigan Science Olympiad

The showcase was part of the GVSU Region 12 Michigan Science Olympiad that was held on Saturday, March 28th, 2015.  There were more than 70 schools and 1,000 students at this event, and many of them stopped by to try on Oculus Rift, Google Glass, and to experience all of the technology in the showcase!

Science Olympiad Event Photos

Tech Talk - Mobile Apps for Student Success

Partnering with the GVSU Student Academic Success Center, our Tech Talks student organization featured a session focused on apps that can be used by students for their classes and for productivity.

A photo from the Tech Talk Mobile App Event

Sparta Area Schools Visit

200 5th graders from Sparta area schools visited in May, 2015.

Sparta Area Schools

GVSU Upward Bound Visit - Summer 2015

GVSU's Upward Bound group came for a visit in June of 2015.

Upward Bound

Rethinkit Library Conference - August 2015

The showcase was part of the Rethinkit Library Conference that was held in the Mary Idema Pew Library Learning and Information Commons.  We had over 615 visits in 3 days!

Rethinkit Conference 2015

Fall 2015 Teaching Conference

We are all about transforming teaching and learning with #EdTech at GVSU - We had a table at the Fall 2015 Teaching Conference.

Fall Teaching Conference Table

Campus Life Night 2015

The showcase was part of campus life night 2015!

Campus Life Night 2015

The Technology Showcase On-the-Road in Indy

The Atomic Object Technology Showcase went on-the-road and traveled to Indianapolis on September 21 and 22 to participate in the Crowe Horwath Blitz15 conference.  The conference theme was: “Learning matters now”.  This event brought more than 350 attendees from Crowe Horwath’s Applied Technology, Health Care, and Performance Consulting group together to learn new skills and to experience a wide array of new ideas and innovations.

Nicole and Rachel in Indy at the Crowe Horwath Conference

Showcase Features in EDUCAUSE Session on October 27, 2015

The Atomic Object Technology Showcase at Grand Valley State University was recently highlighted in a preconference seminar for the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference on October 27.  The session title was: "Working with Emerging Technologies to Promote Engaging Learning". This session featured a panel of 12 presenters from 8 colleges and universities including: University of Oregon, Pennsylvania State University, Berry College, University of Miami, University of Central Florida, Glendale Community College, California State University, and Grand Valley State University.

Educause Webinar Screenshot

Campus Technology Magazine Feature

On November 12, 2015, the showcase was featured in a Campus Technology Magazine Article entitled: "Technology Showcase Explores 'Serendipitous Learning Opportunities"

Technology Showcase Magazine Photo

MSU "ThinkIn" Webinar

MSU "ThinkIn" - The showcase and Michigan State University's HUB for Innovation in Learning and Technology held a live webinar on January 27, 2016 entitled: "Serendipitous Learning Potential through Intentionally Designed Learning Spaces" to discuss how makerspaces and emerging technologies are transforming teaching and learning.

MSU Webinar Screenshot

GVTV Segment Highlights the Showcase

GVTV highlighted the showcase in a video programming segment on December 5, 2016.


WOODTV 8 Segment on "eightWest" Features the Showcase at GVSU

WOODTV eightWest "Summer camp bridges generations" - The showcase was highlighted in a segment on eightWest that aired on 2/23/2016.

The Showcase Exhibited at the 2016 MACUL Conference

MACUL Conference 2016 - The showcase had the opportunity to participate as an exhibitor in the makerspace area of the Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning conference.

MACUL Conference Photos

Grand Valley Lanthorn features the Showcase

Grand Valley Lanthorn article features the showcase: "Technology Showcase offers experimental technology for Lakers"

A Photo of the Showcase at GVSU with Technology Featured

Showcase was a Popular Stop at the 2017 Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad was hosted by GVSU and more than 1,000 students from 21 K12 schools in Michigan visited the showcase in March, 2017!

Photo of Science Olympiad Visitors in the Showcase

Ultimaker Blog Featured the Showcase

The showcase was highlighted on the Ultimaker Libraries blog in a post entitled: "Atomic Object Technology Showcase - A spotlight for 3D printing and emerging technologies"

Screen Shot of Ultimaker Blog Post

Showcase Welcomes Students from Beijing China

The Jenison High School Beijing 12 exchange students from China visited the showcase on October 5, 2017.

Photo of China Visitors to the Showcase

A visit by the President of the Republic of Palau

On November 2, 2017, along with the secret service, the showcase welcomed Tommy Remengesau (GVSU '79 graduate) and President of the Republic of Palau!

K12 STEM in Computing Event

East Kentwood Crestwood Middle School students visited the showcase as part of a STEM in Computing event, on March 8, 2018.

Photo of Students attending the STEM Event at GVSU

Showcase was a Popular Stop at the 2018 Science Olympiad

The showcase was open and available to all of the 1,200+ visitors for the Region 12 - Science Olympiad Tournament held at GVSU.

Photo of Visitors from the Science Olympiad at the Showcase

hackGVSU 'Hackathon'

On April 14, a hackGVSU event was coordinated with sponsor Blackboard Inc. - and the showcase was open during the very first GVSU 'Hackathon'!

hackGVSU Banner

Showcase on-the-road at GR Teacher Con

The GVSU Atomic Object Technology Showcase went on-the-road to join in on the event that was held at the JW Marriott in Grand Rapids on Monday, July 9, 2018.

GRTeacherCon brought together 200 K-12 educators in Michigan to zero in on STEM education with computer science and coding as a focus. The showcase would also like to recognize the GVSU Regional Math and Science Center for inviting us to join in on this event!

See more highlights on the GVSU eLearning Blog.

Photo of the Showcase at the GRTeacherCon Event located at the JW Marriott in Grand Rapids

5 Year Celebration Open House

On Friday, September 14, 2018 the eLearning and Emerging Technologies team in Information Technology, along with staff from the University Libraries celebrated the opening of the Atomic Object Technology Showcase 5 years ago.  The event provided an opportunity to reflect back, remember the past, and to celebrate achievements and success, while also allowing room to innovate and to pioneer the future together!

See also: 

Technology Showcase Staff Pictured in the Atrium of the Mary Idema Pew Library at GVSU

Page last modified March 8, 2023