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x remove Data Science and Analytics, B.S.
Credits Required
Face To Face

Undergraduate students in this major study at Grand Valley's Allendale Campus.

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The DS&A program consists of core computer science and statistics classes, along with specialized applications.

Some of these classes include:

  • Programming
  • Statistical computing
  • Data mining
  • Multivariate data analysis
  • Capstone project
  • Information visualization
  • Data science
  • Data analytics
  • Applied statistics
  • Data engineering
  • Applied machine learning
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Career Options

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts data science needs will create roughly 11.5 million job openings by 2026. The World Economic Forum indicates data scientists and analysts have become the number one emerging role in the world. The role of a data scientist has been named the number one job in the U.S. by Glassdoor.

In the lower peninsula of Michigan and northern Ohio and Indiana, there are 27,884 unique postings with average salaries of $78.2K. Data science job postings in West Michigan have increased 38.9% since 2019.

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Application Deadline
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Skills Employers Want
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