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Credits Required
Face To Face

Undergraduate students in this major study at Grand Valley's Allendale Campus.

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The minor consists of a minimum of 24 credits. Required:

  • EXS 210 - The Science of Human Movement and Exercise
  • FIT 100 level courses, minimum of two, no more than three
  • HPE 207 - Personal Health and Wellness
  • MOV 101 - Foundations of Human Movement Science
  • SPM 202 - Social/Cultural Dimension of Sport

In addition, you must take a minimum of four elective courses totaling at least 10 credit hours, see details.

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Career Options

The movement science minor is designed to appeal to student interest in personal health and wellness. Skills can be applied to and merged with a variety of professional fields, including human resources, social services, health sciences, sports, and business.

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Application Deadline
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Skills Employers Want
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