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x remove Applied Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Natural Resources Undergraduate Certificate
Credits Required
Face To Face

Undergraduate students in this major study at Grand Valley's Allendale Campus.

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The certificate is 12-13 credits. Required:

  • NRM 250  Natural Resource Measurements and Mapping
  • NRM 405  GIS Applications in Natural Resources
  • NRM 450  Applied Spatial Analysis of Natural Resources

And one of the following:

  • CIS 160  Learn to Code in Python
  • GEO 425  GIS Applications in Geology
  • GPY 370  Introduction to Remote Sensing
  • GPY 407  Advanced GIS
  • STA 418/518  Statistical Computing and Graphics with R
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Career Options

According to market analysis, the number of unique monthly job postings specifying competency in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has increased by 285% over the past 5 years. GIS is a common "add-on" skill for jobs related to wildlife biology, fisheries science, landscape ecology, field ecology, and natural resources management. More than 10% of job postings in those fields required GIS skills (, May 28, 2021).

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Application Deadline
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Skills Employers Want
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