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x remove Environmental and Sustainability Studies, B.A., B.S.
Credits Required
Face To Face

Students may complete courses for this program in person or combination of in-person and online at Grand Valley's Allendale Campus.

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Career Options

Industry, government, nonprofit organizations, and educational institutions are increasingly interested in implementing environmental and sustainability initiatives. Graduates are prepared to pursue careers in the emerging field of sustainability implementation and a variety of other occupations involving communication, advocacy, outreach, education, and research. Students may also pursue postgraduate studies such as law, public policy, administration, business, or environmental humanities.

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Application Deadline
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Skills Employers Want

The B.A. and B.S. in Environmental and Sustainability Studies at GVSU will develop the skills you need to land the job you want. Whether the skills are advanced or general, you will build a resume of qualifications that are sure to attract employers. The following skills correlate with those pulled from actual job postings.

  • Communication
  • Program development
  • Advocacy
  • Outreach
  • Education
  • Project management
  • Research
  • Quality control
  • Auditing
  • Sampling
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