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x remove Education for Younger Children, Birth to Kindergarten, General and Special Education, B.A., B.S.
Credits Required

Undergraduate students in this major study at the Grand Valley Allendale Campus and online.

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Candidates for this program must have a minimum cumulative 2.7 GPA before the beginning of the junior year and beginning the first of 150 hours of clinical apprenticeship, with no grade lower than a C in education major prerequisites. Topics of study include:

  • Infant and toddler development
  • Working with students with disabilities and delays
  • Social-emotional learning
  • Integrated curriculum through play
  • Early children's literature
  • Observation and documentation
  • Child guidance
  • Philosophies of early childhood
  • Collaborating with families and professionals
  • Diverse perspectives on education

In addition, students will complete several field experiences with infant/toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and children with disabilities embedded throughout the program for a minimum of 600 hours, which is required for licensure.

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Application Deadline
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Skills Employers Want
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