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x remove Business Fundamentals Undergraduate Certificate, adult online
Credits Required

This program can be completed fully online.

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The business fundamentals certificate is comprised of 12 credits:

  • ACC 201 - Accounting for Non-Business Majors 1* (1.5 credits)
  • ACC 202 - Accounting for Non-Business Majors 2* (1.5 credits)
  • FIN 300 - Fundamentals of Finance for Non-Business Majors* (3 credits)
  • MGT 300 - Fundamentals of Management for Non-Business Majors (3 credits)
  • MKT 300 - Fundamentals of Marketing for Non-Business Majors (3 credits)

*MTH 110 course prerequisite

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Career Options
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Application Deadline
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Skills Employers Want

The business fundamentals certificate provides non-business people a basic understanding of business practices. This benefits those who may be looking for career advancement by giving them skills employers are looking for, including:

  • Business Development
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Business Process
  • Accounting
  • Management
  • Budgeting
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