SAR Orientation

Meeting with an Student Accessibility Resources Program Advisor

Student Accessibility Resources Orientation

When you are ready to request accommodations while at GVSU, the first step is registering with SAR at the following link Student Accessibility Resources Registration. You may submit and upload documentation as you are completing your online Student Accessibility Resources registration, or you may choose to email it to us. Once our office receives your application, we will contact you to schedule your first appointment. During this appointment, you will participate in an interactive discussion and review of your supporting documentation with an Student Accessibility Resources advisor.

This meeting may take up to an hour; however, we invite you to have a list of questions ready to be answered in preparation for the appointment. You must have documentation that supports your request for accommodations. However, if you do not have it during the appointment, that is fine. The discussion can occur, and we will give you time to gather the information needed. An Student Accessibility Resources advisor can direct you to the forms on our website that you may conveniently utilize for clarification and documentation for a disability.

The appointment covers the policies and procedures that the Student Accessibility Resources office adheres to and the requests being made for accommodations. We also send you the documents we use in our office, i.e., testing information, recording agreements instructions for utilizing adaptive technology.

If you have any questions or wish to schedule an appointment in-person, virtually, or by phone, please call the Student Accessibility Resources office at (616) 331-2490 or email us at

Our office will be available for appointments throughout the summer.  Drop-in appointments are available during orientation days. Student Accessibility Resources will be attending the morning Orientation Resource Fair to answer general questions.

Orientation Day drop-in appointments are available from 1:00 p.m. until 4:30p.m. and in the Blue Connection building, room 215 ( 2nd floor). Our expert Student Accessibility Resources advisors will work with you to ensure you are ready to begin your academic journey as a Laker. 

A picture of the Blue Connection front entrance.

Support Throughout the Academic Year

  • Now that your accommodations are in place, your Student Accessibility Resources (SAR) advisor is still here to help you, answer questions and guide you toward success.
  • Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly appointments are available to check in with us. 
  • SAR can help you learning skills, organization or time management skills.
  • SAR can help you with career exploration and career readiness.
  • If you need help with assistive technology, SAR staff can help get your devices ready to go.

Requesting Student Accessibility Resources Accommodations

Requesting Student Accessibility Resources Accommodations Video

Meeting with the Student Accessibility Resources Advisor

Meeting with the Student Accessibility Resources Advisor

Page last modified August 20, 2024