ACI Blog

DeBruine launches bioinformatics startup Herd Social

September 23, 2024

DeBruine launches bioinformatics startup Herd Social

Dr. Zach DeBruine launched a startup Herd Social, Inc. during Tech Week GR this past week.  The company is pushing the boundaries of AI in healthcare, by building a social platform for the rare disease community which aims to foster communities for learning and support among individuals and families struggling with rare diseases. 

Herd Social was conceived by DeBruine this past year while participating in the University of Michigan Medical School’s Fast Forward Medical Innovation FastPace program.  In addition, the startup was one of the finalists in the recent Start Garden 100 pitch contest.  

DeBruine is a faculty member in the GVSU College of Computing and leads a research group within the Applied Computing Institute that builds AI tools for bioinformaticians. 

You can sign up to help beta test the initial Herd product here:


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Page last modified September 23, 2024