ACI Blog

DevOps Experiential Learning Opportunity!

July 23, 2020

DevOps Experiential Learning Opportunity!

Are you an undergraduate admitted into a GVSU School of Computing degree program and interested in DevOps?   Michigan Software Labs of Ada, Michigan, is partnering with GVSU’s Applied Computing Institute to provide undergraduate computing students a unique experiential learning opportunity in the form of an ACI Residency position.

What is an ACI Residency? 

ACI’s Residency Program provides undergraduates an opportunity to work on a project with an ACI industry partner while enrolled as a full time student.  By working on a project, students gain an opportunity to apply what they are learning in their degree program to real world problems.  Via experiential learning, students completing an ACI Residency often learn technologies and concepts that are equivalent to or in some cases exceed what is taught in their normal degree program.  

How many hours a week does an ACI Residency require? 

Actual hours worked per resident will vary by the project and the student’s course load, but most residents work 10-20 hours weekly. 

Do ACI Residents get paid? 

Yes, ACI Residents get paid an hourly wage.  In addition, depending on project content, students completing residencies can also earn GVSU credit towards their degree program.  Which courses students can earn credit for is determined by the appropriate SCIS faculty members, the project content, and the number of hours worked. 

What does the DevOps Residency involve? 

The position involves working as a DevOps engineer with the Michigan Software Labs team for approximately 20 hours a week.  You can find a link to the description of a DevOps engineer at Michigan Software Labs here.

What academic requirements must be met in order to apply? 

  • Must be admitted to a SCIS computing degree program (CS, IS, IT, or CyberSecurity). 
  • Minimum GPA of 3.25
  • Completed the core courses in degree program. 

When does this position begin?

We hope to fill this position by the end of August. The position will begin Fall semester.

How do I learn more about this opportunity or apply for this residency position? 

Please contact and/or email your resume to Dr. Engelsma ([email protected]) to learn more about this opportunity.

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Page last modified July 23, 2020