Catalog Details
General Information
Blendon Landing (20OT73)
Time Period:
European Historic
Materials Found
Material |
Quantity |
Type |
Notes |
Documents |
Bone |
21 |
Historic |
Pieces |
Bone |
3 |
Historic |
Burnt Bone |
Ceramics |
55 |
Historic |
Fragments |
Ceramics |
4 |
Historic |
Ceramic Bowl Bottom |
Faunal Remains |
1 |
Historic |
Animal Tooth |
Glass |
36 |
Historic |
Pieces |
Metal |
6 |
Historic |
Misc. Metals |
Mortar |
1 |
Historic |
Nails |
46 |
Historic |
Pipe Fragment |
1 |
Historic |
Plaster |
1 |
Historic |
Shell |
5 |
Historic |
Slag |
1 |
Historic |
Clinkers |
Spike |
1 |
Historic |
Metal |
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