AP Committee Minutes December 17, 2012
AP Committee
Minutes December 17, 2012
Present: Michelle McCloud (Chair), Ed Simon, Jamie Schlagel, Jennifer Schick, Jim Seufert, Michelle DeWitt, Valerie Jones, Scott Richardson (ex-officio), Jackie Rautio, Kim Walton, Quincy Williams, and representatives from various AP sub-committees
Absent: Mike Kluczyk, Nicholas Nelson
- Speaker Presentation (2:30 p.m.): President Haas
- The desired outcomes for 2012 were met: to create stability, to make adaptations as necessary, and to maintain constancy of purpose (intentionality). Will plan to stay that path for 2013. Hope to maintain stability in the face of declining State student population related to changing demographics.
- Scenarios of what fiscal cliff might mean for students include a short-term limited impact based on what is federally funded and a greater impact in the future (2013-2014) based on what the resolution may mean for Pell Grants for students.
- In last decade for Grand Valley: enrollment up 24%; number of degrees up 87%; cost to produce a degree is down 30% in constant dollars; tuition is still in the bottom half while state appropriation is also 4th from the bottom in terms of the country; administrative costs are flat at 10-11%
- Discussion on requirement by state legislature that mandates front page-web page disclosure by name/title/base salary paid by general fund. Many penalties for non-compliance including loss of state appropriation.
- Related email from HR that was sent in December: The Michigan appropriation bill for public universities contained a new directive this year. Section 245 mandates that public universities provide information on university expenditures on a public webpage. Included in the required information is general fund position information which contains salary information for all faculty and staff paid from the university general fund. We wanted you to be aware in advance that this information will be available on the GVSU website after December 20.
- Discussion about the tragedy in Connecticut. Significant assessments are on-going related to response to gun violence and is reviewed constantly (communication, notification, contingency planning). Public Safety officers are involved in joint training with Ottawa County and City of Grand Rapids. Help is being provided within our community to provide mental health assistance as individuals are identified.
- Other Business postponed until next AP Meeting. Monday, January 28 2:30 Devos 302E Guest Speaker: VP Matt McLogan.
Minutes Submitted: Jennifer Schick