AP Committee Minutes November 19, 2012
AP Committee
Minutes November 19, 2012
Present: Michelle McCloud (Chair), Ed Simon, Jennifer Schick, Jim Seufert, Michelle DeWitt, Scott Richardson (ex-officio)
Absent: Jamie Schlagel, Mike Kluczyk, Nicholas Nelson, Valerie Jones, Jackie Rautio, Kim Walton, and Quincy Williams
- Approval of Minutes from 10/15/12 None
- Subcommittee Updates
- Salary and Benefits No update.
- Professional Development Schedule of sessions is out for winter semester.
- Awards Not meeting yet.
- Event Updates
- AP Open Forum Committee Report Nothing to report.
- AP Luncheon Committee Report
- James Moyer speaker for luncheon on how new buildings will impact Aps
- Building and growing GV as theme
- Questions/Concerns from AP Staff Members (if any)
- Review of list of questions from on-line drop box (This had been set up for prior years open forum and many had been addressed in prior years. Has been inactive for a few years). The representatives present decided to re-open to on-line drop box as another way for AP staff to forward a question to the committee for review and to generate questions for the open forum.
- Many questions revolve around vacation/flex time/professional development hours/money. Scott indicated there are policies related to vacation/flex time but it is difficult to standardize the application because of different unit needs/expectations.
- Review of list of questions from on-line drop box (This had been set up for prior years open forum and many had been addressed in prior years. Has been inactive for a few years). The representatives present decided to re-open to on-line drop box as another way for AP staff to forward a question to the committee for review and to generate questions for the open forum.
- Related to the required level of education for all AP staff. Scott indicated there is a general expectation for AP staff to have a college degree but not in all cases. Masters may be preferred in some cases, but not required as a general rule.
- Questions from 2008 related to retirement plans or options. There are represents from TIAA CREF and Fidelity on campus often for free, personalized consulting. The retirement options are considered by an investment advisory committee on campus and outside consultants.
- Guest Speaker: Marlene Kowalski-Braun, Assistant Vice Provost for Student Affairs (Director of Women's Center/also works with Office of Multicultural Affairs and LGBT Center)
- Incredible model to have these centers report to Provost. Allows the co-curricular to be an extension of learning/academia. Also important to note that the three centers are located in the Kirkhof Center, a building that is the hub of student activity.
- Relates to the mission of the University: civic engagement/global learning/preparing students to go into the world. Theory to practice. Make things practical for students.
- Myth: Just serve population reflected in titles. Reality: We are all constituents of these centers and can benefit from the programs offered/be part of the solution for the issues they advocate for.
- The Centers: Order of creation mirrors the order of the rights movements (civil rights, women's rights, and now LGBT, who currently have no rights or protection under the law.
- OMA 26 years. Many heritage celebrations and history events.
- Women's Center 11 years. Focus on advocacy and activism (including equal pay and sexual violence.
- LGBT resource 5th anniversary Safety net where there is not one for these students a space where there may not have been one.
- Order of creation mirrors the order of the rights movements (civil rights, women's rights, and now LGBT, who currently have no rights or protection under the law.
- Intersections: a new graphic identity for collaborative efforts between the three centers/a breaking down of walls. Vs. the old model, which resulted in a silo effect based which aspect of your identity is most salient. Next Speaker: Kenji Yoshino Covering: The Hidden Assault on our Civil Rights. Wednesday 2/13/13 at 6 p.m. KC 2250 Grand River Room
- Bias Incident Protocol resource for all to report bias incidents. Also, trainings are offered through Human Resources (www.gvsu.edu/sprout) next training is 2/28/13 from 3:30-5:00 Room 303C DeVos.
- Final questions & comments
- Michelle to send email to all subcommittee members inviting them to the 12/17 meeting with President Haas.
- Please make all efforts to attend monthly meetings as both a courtesy to our guest speakers and to truly represent your group. If you cannot, please send a substitute.
- Each group to send communication next week about opening up the on-line drop box for question. Michelle to confirm when this is opened up and what the website it. Michelle will bring the questions to each meeting.
- Next Meeting: Monday, December 17 2:30 KC 2201 Guest Speaker: President Haas
Minutes Submitted: Jennifer Schick