AP Committee Minutes September 16, 2013

AP Committee Minutes
September 16, 2013, 2:30 p.m., Kirkhof Canter Present: Jim Seufert (Chair), Josh Stickney, Elizabeth Lienau, Sienna Mavima, Valerie Jones, Scott Richardson, Martha Moore (sub for Jennifer Schick) Absent: Kaleb Klotz, Jamie Schlagel, Jennifer Schick, Kristin Linscott, Mike Kluczyk, Kim Walton I. Introductions, approval of 8/19/13 meeting minutes, review agenda II. Officer and subcommittee reports a. Chair: Jim Seufert discussed his continued efforts to streamline the AP list updates. Also working on greater emphasis on welcoming new APs, a practice that the Committee needs to re-focus on. b. Awards Liaison: Valerie Jones reported that the Awards committee has yet to meet. c. Professional Development: Sienna Mavima attended the last meeting. Committee is working on the excellence series. Minutes are posted on the website. d. AP Luncheon, AP Forum: no reports e. Communications: Elizabeth Lienau presented the welcome email. It was decided that the email is too wordy and some of the info should be placed on the website homepage. In addition, Elizabeth will work improvements to the welcome to GVSU email for new hires. Hope to have welcome to new year email out the week of 9/23/13. III. AP Survey  Valerie Jones presented her latest version of the AP survey. The Committee reviewed and commented. Changes were uploaded immediately. All were satisfied that the survey was well put together and would be a very positive tool all AP committees. The survey will be circulated to all AP committees for review until 9/20. Final version will be sent as a link in the welcome email. IV. Anti-Bullying  Scott Richardson mentioned that University Academic Senate is considering an anti-bullying/civility policy for faculty. Scott thought that APs probably should be a part of that discussion. Jim S. said that he would contact Karen Gipson, Chair of the UAS, to discuss. V. Guest Speakers  Sue Sloop and Lindsey DesArmo, Health and Wellness a. Goal  to be the healthiest university in MI. Already recognized by Crains Detroit b. Initiatives include Healthy Choices, Take the Stairs, Farmers Market, etc. c. Recently conducted a survey of GVSU employees about health & wellness i. 93% satisfied w/ benefits; high positive work/life balance; most have long-term healthy lifestyles; 93% exercise regularly; 75% exercise @ home; Barriers=motivation and time d. Healthy Choices is lowering health care costs  members commented positively about improvements to the choices entry on the website. e. Goals: improve health care consumerism (health blue book for cost comparison); care management and wellness; supportive environment; emotional health; conflict management. VI. Adjourn  Next meeting 10/21/13  Rhonda Lubberts, University Marketing Minutes Submitted  Jim Seufert

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