Salary and Benefits Minutes Nov. 12, 2012

Salary and Benefits Committee

November 12, 2012

Attendance: Scott Whisler, Andrea Westdorp, Ron Perkins, Aaron Haight, Jennifer McCaul & Linda Yuhas


  • Discussed inviting the following people to speak to the subcommittee over the next year :
    • Sue Sloop  Mental Wellness & Encompass
    • Luanne Brown  Payroll
    • Kim Monahan  Career Coach
    • Brian Copeland  Investment Options

HR  Auto Accident Health Coverage

  • A reminder will be posted for members to coordinate their High Deductible HSA Health plan with their auto insurance coverage as the HSA plan.
  • The AP job description module is in the final stages of development and is being demonstrated to executive and appointing officers for their feedback. It is intended to be rolled out in early 2013. This module will allow for incumbents to create and update job descriptions. All job descriptions will go through an approval process before being posted on the HR Secure website where all faculty and staff will have access to view them.

Open Enrollment

  • Open enrollment had a participation of 85%

Meeting minutes

  • Need to review and outline how subcommittee meeting minutes are distributed once sent to the committee.


  • Next meeting is scheduled for 12/10/12

Page last modified November 13, 2014