Salary and Benefits Minutes September 10, 2012

AP Salary & Benefits Subcommittee Meeting

Monday, September 10, 2012, 9:00 a.m., KC 2264

Present: Scott Whisler (Group 1) (Chair), Aaron Haight (Group 2), Sherry Barricklow (Group 3), Andrea Westdorp (Group 4), Ron Perkins (Group 5), Jennifer McCaul (Group 6), Dave Smith (HR Liaison), Linda Yuhas (HR Liaison)

Absent: none


  1. 2013 will have same health insurance options as 2012.
  2. Health & Benefits is working to improve the open enrollment website so there are more checks and balances and less reading involved for the end users.
  3. Linda Yuhas is planning to do a Compensation 101 Lunch & Learn for the campus to attend on October 2 to help spread the word about how compensation is set at GVSU.

Dave discussed key items of the Benefits Committee Meeting from 7/25/2012.

2013 will have same health insurance options as 2012. For those in the high deductible plan, there will continue to be the same GVSU contribution and no pay period employee contribution. Also, there will be no changes to HDHP/H.S.A. deductibles in 2013. 70% or greater of employees are in the HDHP/H.S.A. now.

Health & Benefits is currently working with a vendor on a tool called Blue Book to show employees the costs for procedures, by location, so you can comparison shop before you undergo treatment. The tool would also work for prescriptions. GVSUs expense for this tool will be based on total population who can access the tool (all employees) so GVSU has to weigh cost versus how much people will actually use the tool.

Health care reform is requiring GVSU to disclose the value of the health care benefit provided to employees, so Health & Benefits is working with payroll to show that value on the 2012 W-2.

With open enrollment, this year GVSU is required to provide a summary of benefits which will be similar to the comparison that was previously prepared, but this will be more summarized and standardized.

UMR processes over 70,000 claims for GVSU per year.

Health & Benefits is working to improve the open enrollment website so there are more checks and balances and less reading involved for the end users.

For 2013, if you present with some risk factors, you can earn an additional $100 for working with a health coach on a plan.


Update from Climate Study

Aaron Haight is chair of Staff Climate Study Committee, which covers AP and COT staff. About half of these staff who responded to the survey are not satisfied with compensation or fairness of compensation. Also concerning is the experiences of women and minorities. These are areas that will be more closely looked at by the committee and they will be coming up with recommendations that will be presented to overall Campus Climate Study committee.

Linda Yuhas is planning to do a Compensation 101 Lunch & Learn for the campus to attend on October 2 to help spread the word about how compensation is set at GVSU.

Compensation 101

Linda gave the committee a presentation of the compensation philosophy and how compensation is set at GVSU. Compensation is calculated based on market data from other sources across higher education and other related industries. Linda reviews market data each year and compares data to current employee pay. She meets with each Appointing Officer to show them the data on their employees and where their pay falls in comparisons to peers and market data. She doesn't have information on employees performance. Linda has been doing this annual market comparison since the late 90s when the salary equity survey showed campus was dissatisfied with compensation.

Linda wants all employees to know that if they have issues with their compensation that they can meet with her to discuss in more detail.

Meetings for our subcommittee will now be on the second Monday of each month at 9 a.m., which sets the next meeting at Monday, October 8, 2012. All meetings will be in Kirkhof Center.

Meeting concluded at 10:30 a.m.


Minutes recorded by Andrea Westdorp.

Page last modified November 4, 2016