Salary and Benefits Minutes January 14, 2013
Attendance: Scott Whisler, Sherry Barricklow, Aaron Haight, Andrea Westdorp & David Smith
- Discussed potential for an AP Forum with booths from different departments
- Confirmed that meeting minutes are posted at, but is that enough to get the word out to APs?
- Suggested that we also post meetings on Barter Board
- Rather than bringing in speakers to the sub-committee meetings, it was suggested that we piggyback that presentation with one that already has good attendance.
- Does it make sense to have someone speak to 5 people at our meeting??
- It was asked why students had MLK day off, but staff didn't.
- Students AND staff are encouraged to attend MLK events that day and management was asked to allow staff time to do so if they wish.
HR HR will discuss the Health Report at the March sub-committee meeting
- Next meeting is scheduled for 3/11/13