Late Drop/Add/Withdrawal

Drop/Add Form

A completed Drop/Add form is necessary to make any late registration changes. 

It is recommended that you download the form before filling it in to ensure that your content will be saved. 

Late Add Request Information and Guidelines

The first week of each semester is the published Drop/Add period. During this time, students may drop and/or add classes at their discretion, provided there are openings in the courses and the student has met the appropriate prerequisite requirements. If a student wishes to add a course after this published deadline, it is considered an exception to the registration policies and requires several levels of support and documentation.

Please note: ANY addition to a student schedule after the published deadline is considered a late add, including requests to change from one section to another of the same course.

Please complete all of the following steps listed below in sequential order:

  1. Obtain proper paperwork to complete the late add process.
    1. Download the PDF "Registration and Drop/Add Form", found online on the Registrar's website.
    2. Fill out the form completely with all required information. SAVE THE FORM.
    3. Compose a letter explaining the need for the late add (see below for necessary content). SAVE THE LETTER. 
  1. Obtain the appropriate signatures via email as follows:
    1. Instructor – send an email with the PDF form and your letter attached.
    2. Unit Head – if the professor supports the late add, the form will be signed and forwarded electronically, along with your letter, to the unit head for consideration.
    3. Assistant Dean for Student Academic Services and Advising – if both the professor and unit head support the late add, the signed form and your letter will be forwarded to the assistant dean for consideration.
    4. If the assistant dean supports the late add, the form will be signed and forwarded to the Registrar’s Office for processing. The course will be added to your record and you are then responsible for any additional tuition and fees assessed due to the late add.
  1. Items to note:
    1. Nearly all late registrations involve additional fees. You will be assessed $25 for adding a class late. You will be assessed a $50 late registration fee if you are registering for all classes past the posted deadline.
    2. If the professor and/or unit head denies the late add, the process ends there.


Late Add Appeal Letters

Please make sure to include the following in your letter of appeal to the Assistant Dean of Advising and Student Services:

  1. Provide detailed background information on WHY you need to add the course after the published deadline.
  2. Steps you will take to ensure that the need for this type of an exception won’t be necessary in the future.
  3. If applicable, supply copies of any supporting documentation, such as doctor’s notes, accident reports, letters of support from faculty, either your advisor or another faculty member who can vouch for the circumstances surrounding this request.
  4. Demonstrate that the late add will not negatively affect your ability to keep pace with the course requirements, including your plan to make up any missed work.



Late Withdrawal Information

The Registrar's website contains information on course withdrawal.

Page last modified September 18, 2020