

Embriette Hyde and Komodo dragon microbiomes

September 8, 2016

Research led by BMS alumna Embriette Hyde ('10) exploring the microbiome of Komodo dragons was recently featured in Smithsonian magazine

Kevin Quinn - Master's Thesis Proposal

August 21, 2016

Kevin Quinn - Master's Thesis Proposal

BMS Newsletter - Summer 2016

August 14, 2016

BMS Newsletter

End of Year Awards - 2016

April 29, 2016

End of Year Awards, Class of 2016!

Erin Bachler and Sarah Pulsipher awarded Tanaka Scholarship

October 14, 2015

Bachler and Pulsipher awarded Tanaka Anatomy Scholarship

Dr. Lissa Tallman & colleagues discover 1-million-year-old monkey fossil

September 6, 2015

Assistant Professor Lissa Tallman, BMS alumna Andrea Morrow '14, and colleagues discover a one-million-year-old monkey fossil in the Dominican Republic

Biomedical Sciences researchers help food pantries establish healthy policies

July 14, 2015

Biomedical Sciences researchers help food pantries establish healthy policies

End of Year Awards - 2015

April 24, 2015

End of Year Awards, Class of 2015!

Dr. Cara Ocobock and the energetics of extreme marathon running.

February 16, 2015

Dr. Cara Ocobock and the energetics of extreme marathon running.

Recent scholarly activity of BMS faculty

January 15, 2015

Recent scholarly activity of BMS faculty.

Page last modified September 19, 2024