Cultivating engaged global citizens through innovative interdisciplinary programs and diverse community partnerships

Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies is the college of the 21st century. We provide the university and local community with experiences, expertise and programming that deepens our understanding of the world and equips us to address the complex issues of the future. We do this through our innovative curriculum by providing students with high-impact learning experiences like service-learning projects, study abroad opportunities, internships, living and learning communities and intensive writing and research opportunities.

Explore our programs

Brooks College Replenish Giving


  • More than 2,000 GVSU students don't have access to enough nutritious, affordable food.
  • The GVSU community is coming together to do something about it.

Where it started...

Nearly empty box

Thank you!

How it ended!

Full wagons of donated food items

Thank you...Thank you!

Brooks College donated 98 items! Monetary donations are yet to be totaled by college!

replenish food wagons ready to go

We can't say thank you enough!!!


large orange pumpkins


sustainability agricultural project
kutsche office interviews

Did you miss a virtual event?

We acknowledge that our classrooms and offices are located on the ancestral territory of the People of the Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi.

Page last modified December 6, 2024