Education & Trainings

Members of the CARE Team are available to provide education and training to GVSU students, staff, and faculty.

Audiences leave our presentation understanding:

  • University wide CARE referral system (how and when to refer a student of concern). 
  • What behaviors might represent an increased risk for concern.
  • How to appropriately communicate with a student whom you are concerned about.
  • What resources are available throughout the University for our students.
  • What happens after a CARE referral is submitted
  • Who faculty, staff and students can consult with about concerning student situaitons both in the classroom and outside the classroom.

For more information or to schedule an outreach presentation, please contact the Dean of Students Office at 616-331-3585 or



Adams, S.D., Hazelwood, S., & Hayden B. (2014) ​Student affairs case management: Merging social work theory with student affairs practiceJournal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 51(4), 446-458. doi: 10.1515/jsarp-2014-0044

Higher Education Mental Health Alliance. (2013). Balancing safety and support: A guide for campus teamsThe Jed Foundation. Retrieved from

National Behavioral Intervention Team Association, & American College Counseling Association (2012). Case management in higher educationPublication of the National Behavioral Intervention Team Association and the American College Counseling Association . Retrieved from

Wilson, C., Powell, A., Woodley, E., Nelson-Moss, T. M., Blamey, A., & Thibodeau, T. (2013) The History of Case Management in Higher EducationPublication of the Higher Education Case Managers Association. Retrieved from



Page last modified July 25, 2024