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2011-2012 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Bachelor of Arts in Classics, Classical Tradition Emphasis

(Minimum 33 credits beyond completion or placement out of GRK or LAT 201):

The Classical Tradition Emphasis focuses upon the legacy of the classical world and specifically investigates the relationship between Greek and Roman civilizations and the literary, artistic, intellectual, social, and political traditions of other cultures. Students who seek a broad acquaintance with the classical world, but whose interests do not fit easily into other emphases, have the opportunity to design individual programs to fit their talents, interests, and career goals.

Requirements for a Major in Classics, Classical Tradition Emphasis

Core Courses (at least 9 Credits)

  • Distributed Classical Civilization (DCC) requirement: Students majoring in Classics complete at least 6 credits of instruction in Distributed Classical Civilization (DCC) courses. DCC courses are intended to introduce students to the interdisciplinary dimension of Classics and to provide detailed instruction in selected methods of inquiry and particular aspects of Greco-Roman civilization. Most DCC courses also fulfill certain general education requirements.

Students have two options for fulfilling the DCC Requirement:

Option 1 (6 Credits)

Complete one course from each of the following lists:

List A:

List B:

Option 2 (12 Credits):

Additional Courses (at least 24 credits)

  • At least 9 credits of instruction in either ancient Greek or Latin at 202 level or above, including at least 6 credits at 300 level or above.
  • At least 15 additional credits of departmental and non-departmental courses according to approved study plan.

Senior Integrative Essay

  • Students also plan and submit a Senior Integrative Essay; consult the departmental advisor for further details.

Classics Program Description

Click here for the program description.

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