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2011-2012 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Bachelor of Arts in Classics

Requirements for a Major in Classics

Core Courses (at least 9 Credits)

Capstone Requirement:

Distributed Classical Civilization (DCC) requirement:

  • Students majoring in Classics complete at least 6 credits of instruction in Distributed Classical Civilization (DCC) courses. DCC courses are intended to introduce students to the interdisciplinary dimension of Classics and to provide detailed instruction in selected methods of inquiry and particular aspects of Greco-Roman civilization. Most DCC courses also fulfill certain general education requirements.

Students have two options for fulfilling the DCC Requirement:

Option 1 (6 Credits)

Complete one course from each of the following lists:

List A:

List B:

Option 2 (12 Credits)


Classical Languages Emphasis

(Minimum of 32 credits beyond completion or placement out of GRK or LAT 201):

The CLASSICAL LANGUAGES, GREEK, and LATIN EMPHASES offer full courses of undergraduate study in Classics that stress the languages and literature of the classical world. Students electing either the Greek or the Latin emphasis focus upon one of the two languages exclusively, whereas those electing the Classical Languages emphasis have flexibility in pursuing a course of study in both Latin and ancient Greek.

Requirements in addition to the Core:

  • At least 23 credits of instruction in ancient Greek and Latin, including at least 6 credits in either ancient Greek or Latin at 300 level or above.

Greek Emphasis

(Minimum 30 credits beyond completion or placement out of GRK 201):

The CLASSICAL LANGUAGES, GREEK, and LATIN EMPHASES offer full courses of undergraduate study in Classics that stress the languages and literature o the classical world. Students electing either the Greek or the Latin emphasis focus upon one of the two languages exclusively, whereas those electing the Classical Languages emphasis have flexibility in pursuing a course of study in both Latin and ancient Greek.

Requirements in addition to the Core:

  • At least 21 credits of instruction in ancient Greek at the 202 level or above, including at least 18 credits at the 300 level or above.

Classical Tradition Emphasis

(Minimum 33 credits beyond completion or placement out of GRK or LAT 201):

The Classical Tradition Emphasis focuses upon the legacy of the classical world and specifically investigates the relationship between Greek and Roman civilizations and the literary, artistic, intellectual, social, and political traditions of other cultures. Students who seek a broad acquaintance with the classical world, but whose interests do not fit easily into other emphases, have the opportunity to design individual programs to fit their talents, interests, and career goals.

Requirements in addition to the Core:

  • At least 9 credits of instruction in either ancient Greek or Latin at 202 level or above, including at least 5 credits at the 300 level or above.
  • At least 15 additional credits of departmental and non-departmental courses according to approved study plan.
  • Senior Integrative Essay: Students also plan and submit a Senior Integrative Essay; consult the departmental advisor for further details.

Latin Emphasis

(Minimum 30 credits beyond completion or placement out of LAT 201):

The CLASSICAL LANGUAGES, GREEK, and LATIN EMPHASES offer full courses of undergraduate study in Classics that stress the languages and literature of the classical world. Students electing either the Greek or the Latin emphasis focus upon one of the two languages exclusively, whereas those electing the Classical Languages emphasis have flexibility in pursuing a course of study in both Latin and ancient Greek.

Requirements in addition to the Core:

  • At least 21 credits of instruction in Latin at the 202 level or above, including at least 18 credits at the 300 level or above.

Latin Secondary Education Emphasis

(Minimum 30 credits beyond completion or placement out of LAT 201):

The Latin Secondary Education Emphasis offers prospective Latin teachers preparation in Latin comprehension and instruction and in classical civilization at a level consistent with state and national norms. These students work within both the Department of Classics and the College of Education. While the College of Education is ultimately responsible for overseeing the certification process for students, the Department of Classics is responsible for overseeing the major and for recommending qualified students for admission to the College of Education.

Students with a baccalaureate degree and a major in classics from another institution can be certified to teach by earning at least three credits of instruction in Latin in the Classics Department and completing the professional education requirements of the College of Education. The required courses in Latin must be approved by the department chair or designee.

Requirements in addition to the core:

  • At least 21 credits of instruction in Latin at the 202 level or above, including at least 18 credits at the 300 level or above, three of which must be LAT 353.

Suggested Order of Coursework for a Major in Classics (B.A.)

The Classics major is designed to be flexible. Declaring Classics as a double major or a minor is an effective way of enhancing one's transcript and drawing the attention of employers and postgraduate programs.

In order to ensure timely progress toward graduation, commencing study in either Ancient Greek or Latin at an early stage is key.

Prospective majors are encouraged to contact the Department of Classics in order to receive individualized advising. The following is merely a suggestion.

Consult your advisor about completing the required basics skills and General Education requirements not indicated below:

First Year:

  • GRK 101 or LAT 101 (4 credits)
  • CLA 101 Greek and Roman Mythology (3 credits; Gen Ed Philosophy and Literature Foundation)
  • (Honors students): HNR 211/212 Classical World (6 credits)
  • WRT 150 (3 credits; if required)
  • GRK 102 or LAT 102 (4 credits)
  • CLA 121 Greek Civilization or CLA 131 Roman Civilization (3 credits; Gen Ed Historical Perspectives Foundation)
  • (Honors students): HNR 221/222 Classical World II (6 credits)

Second Year:

  • Continue second year of language study (GRK 201 and 202 - or - LAT 201 and 202; fulfills B.A. Cognate and Gen Ed World Perspectives requirements)
  • Classical Languages Emphasis: commence first year of study in the second classical language
  • Complete one or both Distributed Classical Civilization (DCC) courses (Honors students fulfill the DCC requirements with HNR 211/212 and HNR 221/222)

Third Year:

  • Classics majors are strongly encouraged to consider spending a semester or academic year in a Study Abroad program
  • Continue third year of language study (GRK 300+ or LAT 300+)
  • Classical Languages Emphasis: continue second year of study in the second classical language
  • Classical Tradition Emphasis: complete elective courses according to approved study plan

Fourth Year:

  • Complete CLA 495 Classics capstone
  • Greek or Latin Emphasis, or majors contemplating postgraduate study in Classics: continue fourth year of language study (GRK 300+ or LAT 300+)
  • Classical Tradition Emphasis: complete elective courses according to approved study plan and Senior Integrative Essay

Classics Program Description

Click here for the program description.

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.