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2011-2012 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy

Requirements for a Major in Philosophy

In an era when many majors are inflated because of the influence of careerism, specialization, and external accrediting agencies, the credit hour requirements for the philosophy major remain modest at only 30. This is because we take seriously the value of electives in the students college program, the value of exploring and discovering ones real interests. The number of required hours in philosophy is also modest because we wish to encourage students to discover the importance of relating philosophy to other fields through double majors, minors, and clusters of elective courses indicating developed proficiencies.

All of the above emphasizes the importance of the advising relationship. In order to facilitate this relationship, the philosophy major requires a study plan through which the students work can be consciously developed and articulated. A first draft of the study plan must be completed with the advisor by the beginning of the junior year, revised each successive semester, and completed in the capstone course.

Cognate Degree Requirements

The Philosophy B.A. requires third semester proficiency in a foreign language (201). We strongly encourage completing the fourth semester of the language (202) as well.

Major Course Requirements:

Students majoring in philosophy must complete a minimum of 30 hours in the department.

Select FOUR from:

Select ONE from:



Students may choose electives from any other courses in the Philosophy Program Course Listings. Courses numbered PHI 306, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, and 380 may be repeated for credit when their content varies.

Suggested Order of Coursework for a Major in Philosophy

First Year:

Second through Fourth Years:

  • Additional Required PHI Courses
  • PHI Electives
  • Intermediate Language (201) for B.A. cognate; fourth semester language (202) is recommended

Final Year:

Philosophy Program Description

Click here for the program description.

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