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2011-2012 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in History

Requirements for a Major in History

Students majoring in history are required to complete at least 39 credit hours, including the four survey courses, a course in the writing of history, and the capstone. Students pursuing teacher certification must also take SST 310 and six 300-level electives in history. Students not pursuing teacher certification must take seven history electives at the 200 or 300 level. Each student will select those courses in consultation with his or her major advisor. Majors must maintain a GPA of at least 2.0 in courses in the department and must receive a grade of C or better in HST 200 and 495. The required courses include:

B.A. or B.S. Degree Requirements

Students planning to enter a program of graduate study in history should earn a B.A. degree. Candidates for the B.A. degree must demonstrate third-semester proficiency in a foreign language, either by completing successfully a 201-level language course or by passing a proficiency examination in the language chosen. Students who choose to earn a B.S. degree must complete the following cognate sequence:

History Electives

The electives in history for all majors must include at least one 300-level course in United States history, European history, and non-Western history. Students pursuing teacher certification must take three additional 300-level history courses plus SST 310. Students not pursuing teacher certification must take four additional electives from HST 210 or 211, HST 301391, or HST 498. Each student will select those courses in consultation with his or her major advisor. Majors must maintain a GPA of at least 2.0 in courses in the department and must receive a grade of C or better in HST 200 and 495. Majors seeking teacher certification must maintain a GPA of at least 2.7.

Category 1: U.S. History

Category 2: European History

Category 3: Non-Western History

Transfer Students

Transfer students seeking a major in history must complete at least 12 credits in history at Grand Valley, including a minimum of two upper-level courses. Ordinarily, transfer students will complete the capstone course (HST 495) at Grand Valley.

Suggested Order of Coursework for a Major in History

First Year

Second Year

Third Year

Fourth Year

Additional Course Information

Courses on the 100 level are introductory courses designed to fulfill the general education requirement in Historical Perspectives. Courses on the 200 level are introductory courses designed to prepare students for advanced study in history; HST 203 also fulfills the general education requirement in Historical Perspectives. Courses on the 300 level focus on particular regions, era or themes; they are intended for history majors and minors, social studies majors, and other interested students. All 300- and 400-level courses have prerequisites; 600-level courses are intended for graduate students and very well-qualified seniors.

We strongly encourage students to seriously contemplate taking advantage of the various semester and year-long study abroad opportunities offered by Grand Valley State University. History courses taken abroad may count toward the major or minor if granted prior permission by the Department of History chairperson.

Click here for the program description.

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