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2011-2012 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Economics

Requirements for a Major in Business Economics

Requirements for the B.B.A.

Cognate Degree Requirements

Core Courses

All business core courses acquaint you with various fields in business and help you learn to communicate, to interact, and to assume responsible positions in your chosen field.

For a major in business administration, you must complete the following courses:

Students are required to select one class from the following list. This course may count toward the major, minor, or cognates if applicable.

Required Business Electives

Three upper-division Seidman courses are not applied to the major, minor, or cognate (9 credits total). However, these courses can be applied toward a second business major.


Students may elect nonbusiness or business courses to fulfill their elective course requirements. However, at least 60 hours of the total program must be in nonbusiness courses. Students may apply up to six hours of internship and independent research credit, in any combination, toward their degree requirements. Business majors may not take any of the major or cognate courses, except the internship, on a credit/no credit basis. Lower-division economics courses and economics courses used in the B.B.A. cognate are counted as nonbusiness credit.

General Business Economics

Students who take this emphasis will focus on applications in business and public policy issues. This 18-credit-hour emphasis can provide careers in banking, insurance services, marketing research and public organizations. An economic emphasis is a solid foundation for graduate programs.

Required Courses:

The upper-division economics course selected as part of the cognate requirements cannot count as an economics major course.

Real Estate Business Economics

Students who take this emphasis can pursue careers as real estate agents, commercial and residential appraisers, mortgage brokers, commercial lenders, urban planners, title examiners, location specialists, REIT managers, and regional developers. Students who obtain the economics B.B.A. with the real estate emphasis will take the following courses:

Required Courses:

The upper-division economics course selected as part of the cognate requirements cannot count as an economics major course.

Additional Courses

The 18 required credit hours specified above complete the real estate economics emphasis requirements. In order to provide a complementary set of skills, any of the following courses are recommended if students have the flexibility to take more courses:

Business Economics Program Description

Click here for the program description.

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