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2011-2012 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Biomedical Sciences - Program Description

For additional information about opportunities your college offers, please refer to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section in this catalog.

Chair: Nieuwkoop. Professors: Kopperl, Nieuwkoop, Nochera, Strickler; Associate Professors: D. Burg, M. Burg, Capodilupo, Graham, Hecht, Kipp, Nizielski, Sylvester; Assistant Professors: Adams, Algee-Hewitt, Baxter, Bergman, Kegley, Kurjiaka, Linn, Lown, Reed, Richiert, Sridhar, Taylor, Thomas; Affiliate Professor: Chesla.


Degrees Offered

Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences and Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences.

Career Opportunities

The biomedical science major prepares students for careers in biomedical research; medical, dental, osteopathic, and pharmacy schools; and obtaining the Ph.D. in a variety of biomedical disciplines. This major provides a student with a number of exciting and meaningful career paths.

Students majoring in biomedical sciences have multiple career paths. The curriculum provides a student excellent preparation for professional schools such as medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, and osteopathy. Successful students are also highly competitive for graduate education leading to the Ph.D. in such disciplines as anatomy, physiology, cell and molecular biology, microbiology, pharmacology, and biochemistry. In addition to these opportunities of further education, our students are highly qualified for employment in research laboratories in academia, industry, and government. Our students can obtain employment in non-research related fields such as governmental regulatory agencies, and industrial sales positions.

Biomedical sciences graduates have entered programs at a number of institutions within and outside the state, including Michigan State University Colleges of Human and Osteopathic Medicine; University of Michigan Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, and Graduate Studies; Wayne State University School of Medicine; Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine; Scholl College of Podiatry; George Washington University School of Medicine; and Georgetown University School of Medicine, as well as graduate Ph.D. programs throughout the nation.

Graduate Opportunities

The Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences offers an opportunity for practicing allied health professionals to seek career advancement or a higher level of certification. This degree also prepares students for entry into professional programs leading to the Ph.D., M.D., D.O., and D.D.S. as well as careers in research, health, and allied health programs.

Study Abroad ( )

Students have an opportunity to spend a semester or a year studying at Kingston University in the United Kingdom. The School of Life Sciences at KU offers a number of courses that will be accepted as part of the Biomedical Sciences degrees. Contact the department for further information.

The following programs are available:

Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences

Biomedical Sciences - Microbiology Emphasis

Biomedical Sciences - Nutrition Science Emphasis

Master of Health Sciences in Biomedical Sciences

History of Science Minor

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