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2011-2012 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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City and Regional Planning Minor

Coordinator: Wagendorp, AICP, GISP.

For additional information about opportunities your college offers, please refer to the College of Liberal Arts section in this catalog.

City and Regional planning in Michigan and the nation is a dynamic and growing area of employment that is concerned with optimal and sustainable land use. Professionally trained planners strive to create better living environments for all by planning and designing smart and integrated land use systems. This process is sometimes undertaken with the assistance of public, academic, private, and community organizations.

Career Opportunities:

A minor in City and Regional Planning provides career opportunities in public, private, and nonprofit planning organizations and agencies. A minor in city and regional planning can also amplify or be a strong adjunct to a major in public administration, civil engineering, finance, business, urban sociology, and social work. Agencies such as public (village, city, township, and county) planning offices, district planning federal office, private architecture and planning establishments, utility companies, and many other types of organizations employ graduates with formal training and planning.

Requirements for a Minor in City and Regional Planning

Students who minor in City and Regional Planning are required to complete a minimum of 24 credits from the courses below. The required core consists of 12 hours, the remaining 12 hours can be selected from ten elective courses.

Required Courses:


Geography Program Description

Click here for the program description.

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