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2011-2012 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Geographic Techniques Minor

Completion of this minor will provide a student with an important skill set that will serve them well in the job market or in graduate school. Literacy in geospatial techniques will be a strong adjunct to students who, for example, major in public administration, natural resource management, geology, sociology, anthropology, computer science, engineering, business and economics, public health, criminal justice and many more fields of study. Geographic techniques allow for the visualization of complex spatial (geographic) relationships that are essential to understanding underlying processes (for example, social, political, environmental) that help the geographer/analyst understand change over space and time. Literacy in geospatial techniques is also an important enhancement for future employment. Many agencies and employers use geospatial techniques as part of their core business.

Requirements for a Minor in Geographic Techniques

Students are required to complete four required core courses, and at least 13 credit hours from the list of electives below.

Required Courses:


Geography Program Description

Click here for the program description.

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