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2011-2012 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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History Minor

Requirements for a Minor in History

Students who minor in history must complete at least 20 credit hours, including:

Additional Courses

The remaining three courses must be selected from HST 210 or HST 211, HST 301-391 (see Categories 1, 2, and 3 in the History B.A., B.S. section), or HST 495. At least one of these courses must be in European or non-western history (see Categories 2 and 3). HST 210 and HST 211 count as electives in non-western history. Depending on the topic studied, HST 380, 490, 495, and 498 may be used for any of the three categories listed in the History B.A., B.S., section of this catalog. Minors must maintain a GPA of at least 2.0 in courses in the department. Minors seeking teacher certification must maintain a GPA of at least 2.7.

We strongly encourage students to seriously contemplate taking advantage of the various semester and year-long study abroad opportunities offered by Grand Valley State University. History courses taken abroad may count toward the major or minor if granted prior permission by the Department of History chairperson.

Transfer students seeking a minor in history must complete at least six credits from among the Grand Valley history offerings listed in Categories 1, 2, and 3.

Click here for the program description.

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