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2011-2012 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Master of Health Administration

Requirements for the M.H.A. Master of Health Administration

The curriculum is multi-disciplinary (includes health administration, health professions, public and nonprofit management, business, and social work) and consists of four levels: Level I one course that covers the basics of the health care system and three foundational management courses in research methods, human resources, and organization theory (students may choose a public sector or a business track in HR and organizations); Level II four courses on key dimensions of health care administration public policy, financial administration, economics, law and ethics; Level III specializations (student chooses one) in health services management, financial management, and health policy analysis; and Level IV capstone experience in which students will participate in advanced seminars and field experience with other members of the health professions and health care managers. Other courses, such as PA 680: Special Topics, and PA 693: Research Project, may be substituted for specialization courses with advisor approval. The program consists of a total of 45 credit hours.

Core Level I Credits: 12

Core Level II Credits: 12

(prerequisite, PA 630 may be concurrent)

Level III: Specializations choose one Credits: 12

1. Health Services Management

(Prerequisites: PA 630 may be concurrent)


Select 3:

2. Financial Management

(Prerequisites: Core Level I and PA 630 and 632 may be concurrent)


3. Health Policy Analysis

(Prerequisites: PA 630 and PA 631 may be concurrent)


Select three:

Level IV: Capstone Credits: 9

(Prerequisites: Levels I and II and one course in specialization)

PA 690 is recommended for students with less than 3 years of professional experience. A second semester of internship (PA 691) may be substituted for one of the other capstone courses. Special topics courses (PA 680) or other graduate-level courses may be substituted for specialization courses with advisors permission.

Select 3:

Health Administration Program Description

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