Brian Johnson

Professor Bailey


School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Legal Studies

B.A. University of Wisconsin

M.S., M.L.I.R., Ph.D., Michigan State University

Office: 229-C DeVos

Phone: (616) 331-7142

E-mail: [email protected]



Private Security; Criminology; Law Enforcement

Courses Taught

  • CJ 101 Justice and Society
  • CJ 301 Criminology
  • CJ 312 Police Process
  • CJ 315 Principles of Security
  • CJ 325 Human Rights
  • CJ 461 Police Management and Legal Issues
  • CJ 464 Security Administration and Legal Issues
  • CJ 620 Advanced Police Systems
  • CJ 623 Advanced Private Security
  • CJ 693 Master project chair, committee member
  • CJ 695 Master thesis chair, committee member


  • Johnson, B.R. & Ortmeier, P.J. (2018).  Introduction to Security (5th ed).  Upper Saddle River, NJ:  Prentice Hall.
  • Johnson, B.R. (2018). Instructors Manual:  Introduction to Security, 5th ed.  Upper Saddle River, NJ:  Prentice Hall. 
  • Johnson, B.R. & Kingshott, B.F. (2009).  Safe Overseas Travel.  New York:  Looseleaf.
  • Johnson, B.R. (2007).  Crucial Elements of Police Firearms Training.  New York:  Looseleaf.
  • Johnson, B.R. (2005). Principles of Security Management.  Upper Saddle River, NJ:  Prentice Hall. 
  • Johnson, B.R. (2005). Instructors Manual:  Principles of Security Management.  Upper Saddle River, NJ:  Prentice Hall. 


  • Johnson, B.R. & Kierkus, C.A. (May/June, 2021).  Securing the Green Rush. Security Management.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Kierkus, C.A. (May/June, 2021). Layers of Defense in Depth. Security Management.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Kierkus, C.A. (Forthcoming 2021).  Security has Gone to Pot: An Analysis of Marijuana Cultivation Security Laws and Regulations in the United States. Journal of Applied Security Research.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Kanaboshi, N. (2019, March).  On-duty and Vulnerable.  Security Management, 40-43.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Wallace, W. (2018, May).  A forgotten tool:  Improving lodging security with behavioral detection and analysis.  Lodging, 43(9), 29-32.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Kanaboshi, N. (2018, October). Using 18 U.S.C. 242 to prosecute private security personnel for civil rights violations. Journal of Applied Security Research, 13(4), 411-436.
  • Johnson, B.R., Kierkus, C. & Barton, S.  (2017).   The Economic Espionage Act and Trade Secret Theft:  The Insider Threat.   Intellectual Property Quarterly, 2, 152-168.
  • Johnson, B.R., Kierkus, C.A., & Gerkin, P.M. (2016, August). The Usual Suspects.  Security Management, 44-50.
  • Johnson. B.R. (2015, October).  Watch the workplace – legally.  Security Management, 51-57.
  • Barton-Bellessa, Johnson, B.R.., Shon, P.C., & Austin, C.W. (2014).  An exploratory study of school crime and rural teacher and staff victimization:  A research note.  Journal of the Institute of Justice & International Studies, 14, 9-22.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Barton-Bellessa, S. & Austin, C.W. (2014).  Consequences of school violence:  Personal coping and protection measures by school personnel in their personal lives.  Deviant Behavior, 35(7), 513-533. doi: 10.1080/01639625.2013.859047.
  • Johnson, B.R., Kierkus, C., & Yalda, C. (2014). Who Skips:  An analysis of bail bond failure to appears.  Journal of Applied Security Research, 9(1), 1-16.  doi:  10.1080/19361610.2014.852005.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Stevens, R. (2013).  The regulation and control of bail recovery agents:  An exploratory study.  Criminal Justice Review 38(2), 190-206. doi:  10.1177/0734016812473823.
  • Johnson, B.R. (2013, Spring).  The Golden Goose in the Crosshairs:  The Transition to Defined Contribution Pension Plans in Law Enforcement:  Antecedents and Consequences.   Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 35(4), 414-468.
  • Warchol, G.L. & Johnson, B.R. (2011, July-September).  Securing natural resources from theft:  An exploratory analysis.  Journal of Applied Security Research, 6(3), 273-300.
  • Johnson, B.R., Connolly, E., & T.S. Carter (2011).  Corporate social responsibility:  The role of Fortune 100 companies in domestic & natural disasters.  Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 18(6), 352-369.   doi: 10.1002/csr.253.
  • Kierkus, C., Johnson, B.R. & J. Hewitt (2010). Cohabiting, family and community stressors, selection, and juvenile delinquency.  Criminal Justice Review, 35(4), 393-411.
  • Johnson, B.R., Yalda, C.A. & C. Kierkus.  (2010). Property crime at O’Hare International Airport:  An examination of the routine activities approach.  Journal of Applied Security Research, 5(1), 42-63.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Carter, T.S. (2009).  Combating the shoplifter:  An examination of civil recovery laws.  Journal of Applied Security Research, 4(4), 445-461.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Bridgmon, P.B. (2009, June).  Depriving civil rights:  An exploration of 18 U.S.C. 242 criminal prosecutions, 2001-2006.  Criminal Justice Review, 34(2), 196-209.
  • Warchol, G.L. & Johnson, B.R. (2009, Spring).  Wildlife crime in the game reserves of South Africa.  International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 33(1), 143-154.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Warchol, G.L. (2007, December).  Cold weather training issues.  The Police Chief, 54(12), 108-111.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Warchol, G.L. (2007, December).  Supplement to cold weather training issues.  The Police Chief, Extended on-line web version.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Kingshott, B.L. (2007, August). Property crimes at O’Hare International Airport Post 9/11.  The impact of increased security.  Aviation Security International, 27-30.
  • Breen, M. & Johnson, B.R. (2007).  Citizen police academies:  An analysis of enhanced police-community relations among citizen attendees.  The Police Journal, 80(3), 246-266.
  • Johnson, B.R., McKenzie, D. & W. Crawley.  (2007). Grievance arbitration in law enforcement:  The Wisconsin experience.  Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector, 31(4), 343-360.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Hughes, F. (2003, November/December,).  Training Dyslexics in skill-based applications.   The Law Enforcement Trainer, 18(6), 18-25.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Warchol, G.L. (2003, Spring). Bail agents and bounty hunters: Adversaries or allies of the justice system? American Journal of Criminal Justice, 27(2), 145-165.
  • Johnson, B.R.; McKenzie, D. & G.L. Warchol.  (2003, December). Corporate kidnapping:  An exploratory study.  Journal of Security Administration, 26(2), 13-31.
  • Swift, S. & Johnson, B.R. & Postuma, R. (2002).  An exploratory analysis of the selection of arbitrators in compulsory interest arbitration proceedings:  The Michigan experience.  Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector, 30(1), 77-90.
  • Warchol, G.L., Payne, D.M. & B.R. Johnson (1999).  Federal forfeiture:  Law, policy and practice.  The Justice Professional, 11, 403-423.
  • Johnson, B.R. & McCatty, P.A.  (1998, October).  Security’s amazing recovery.  Security Management, 42(10), 30-41.
  • Warchol, G.L. & Johnson, B.R. (1998, Fall/Winter).   The seduction of asset forfeiture.  L.A.E Journal, 58-59 (4), 49-56.
  • Warchol, G.L. & Johnson, B.R.  (1999). A cross sectional quantitative analysis of federal asset forfeiture.  In Dantzker, M.L.:  Readings for Research Methods for Criminology and Criminal Justice.  Boston:  Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Warchol, G.L. (1997).  Guilty property:  A qualitative analysis of civil forfeiture.  American Journal of Criminal Justice, 21 (1), 61-83.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Warchol, G.L.  (1997, June).  Giving security space at the mall.  Security Management, 41(6), 87-93.
  • Johnson, B.R., Warchol, G.L., & Bumphus, V.W.  (1997). Police residential requirements:  An exploratory analysis.  Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector, 26 (1), 43-64.
  • Johnson, B.R., Warchol, G.L. & K.A. Bailey (1997).  Police-compulsory arbitration in Michigan:  A logistic model analysis of environmental factors.  Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector, 26 (1), 27-41.
  • Warchol, G.L., Payne, D. & Johnson, B.R. (1996).  Criminal forfeiture:  An effective alternative to civil proceedings.  Police Studies, 19 (3), 51-66.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Nowak, P. (September, 1996).   Stress and officer-involved shootings - the agency's responsibility. The Police Chief, 63(9), 49-54.
  • Warchol. G.L. & Johnson, B.R. (March, 1996).  Ensuring the future of asset forfeiture programs.  The Police Chief, 63(3), 49-54.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Warchol, G.L. (1996, Winter).  Police compulsory arbitration: A review of the research.  Government-Union Review, 17(1), 23-52.
  • Johnson, B.R., VanMeter, C.W., & Walker, R.O. (1995, Summer).   The effectiveness of computer-based education in criminal justice undergraduate curricula - an evaluation.  Police Computer Review, 4 (3), 11-18.


  • Child Protection in Michigan:  2019 Report.  Lansing, Michigan Supreme Court Administrative Office.
  • Immersion State Blue Courage Training Program Evaluation (2019).  US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Kierkus, C.A. (2018).  Blue Courage in Michigan:  US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance.
  • Child Protection Mediation in Michigan:  Interim Report – SCAO  (2018).
  • Michigan DWI/Sobriety Court Ignition Interlock Evaluation Report (2016).
  • Michigan DWI/Sobriety Court Ignition Interlock Evaluation Report (2015).
  • Michigan DWI/Sobriety Court Ignition Interlock Evaluation Report (2014). 
  • 20th Judicial Circuit Adult Drug Treatment Court Process & Outcome Report (2013).
  • Michigan DWI/Sobriety Court Ignition Interlock Evaluation Report (2013). 
  • Michigan DWI/Sobriety Court Ignition Interlock Evaluation Report (2012). 
  • Internal Affairs Citizen Complaint Report: City of Grand Rapids Police Department (2005).


  • Perez, D.W. (2011). Paradoxes of police work (2nd ed.).  Textbook review for DELMAR Publishers.
  • Arrigo & Williams (2007).  Criminology.  Textbook reviewer for Burton House, Ltd (Prentice Hall).
  • Rawlings, P.  (2002).  Policing:  A short history.  Portland, OR:  Willan.  In Police Quarterly, 5(3), 409-411 (September, 2002).
  • Burpo, J.; Delord, R. & Shannon, M.  (1997). Police association power, politics, and confrontation:  A guide for the successful labor leader.  Springfield, IL:  Thomas.  In Police Quarterly, 3(1), 1998.
  • Cole, R. (1997).  Management of internal business investigations:  A survival guide. In Criminal Justice Review, 22(2), 263-265 (Autumn, 1998).
  • Gaines, L & Worrall (2000).  Police Administration, (2nd ed.) Textbook reviewer for Prentice Hall Publishers.
  • Hagen, F. (1995).  Introduction to Criminology. Textbook review for Nelson-Hall Publishers.



  • Johnson, B.R. & Barton, S.  School Violence: Risk Factors, Prevention and Challenges. Paper presented at the Annual ACJS Conference:  Baltimore, MD, March 26-30, 2019.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Kierkus, C.  Preliminary findings from the Michigan CPM Program. Paper Presented at the Annual ACJS Conference:  New Orleans, LA, February 13-17, 2018.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Kanaboshi, N. Civil rights violations involving private security: A Review of 18 U.S.C. §242.  Paper Presented at the Annual ACJS Conference: Kansas City, MO:  March 21-25, 2017.
  • Kierkus, C. & Johnson, B.R. Do ignition interlocks devices reduce drunk driving in a population of chronic DWI offenders?  Paper Presented the Annual ASC Conference:  New Orleans, LA:  November 16-19, 2016.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Kierkus, C.  Reducing and Controlling Recidivism:  Findings from the Ottawa County ADTC.  Paper Presented the Annual ACJS Conference:  Orlando, FL:  March 3-7, 2015.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Kierkus, C.  Reducing and Controlling Recidivism:  Findings from the Ottawa County ADTC.  Paper Presented the Annual ACJS Conference:  Orlando, FL:  March 3-7, 2015.
  • Barton-Bellessa, S., Johnson, B.R. & Shon, P.  An Exploratory Study of School Crime and Rural Teacher and Staff Victimization.   Paper Presented at the Annual ACJS Conference:  Philadelphia, PA:  February 18-22, 2014.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Barton-Bellessa, S.M.  Consequences of School Violence:  Personal Coping & Protection Measures.”   Paper Presented the Annual ACJS Conference:  Dallas, TX:  March 19-23, 2013.
  • Kierkus, C. & Johnson, B.R. A preliminary look at Michigan’s Sobriety Court/Ignition Interlock Program for Repeat DWI Offenders.  Paper Presented the Annual ACJS Conference:  Dallas, TX:  March 19-23, 2013.
  • Johnson, B.R. “The Economic Espionage Act & Intellectual Property Theft.” Paper Presented the Annual ACJS Conference:  New York, NY:  March 12-17, 2012.
  • Johnson, B.R. “Police Systems:  Issues in Collective Bargaining.” Paper Presented the Annual ACJS Conference: Toronto, Ontario, Canada:  March 1-5, 2011.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Stevens, R.  “The Regulation & Control of Bail Recovery Agents:  An Exploratory Study.” Paper presented at the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, IL:  September 23-25, 2010.
  • Johnson, B.R., Connolly, E. & T.S. Carter. Corporate social responsibility:  The role of Fortune 100 companies in domestic & natural disasters.  Paper Presented the Annual ACJS Conference: San Diego, CA, February 23-27, 2010.
  • Johnson, B.R. Kierkus, C., & Yalda, C. “Who Skips: An Analysis of Bail Bond Failure to Appears.” Paper presented at the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, IL:  September 24-26, 2009.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Carter, T.S. Civil Recovery & Shoplifting:  A Review of State Laws. Paper Presented the Annual ACJS Conference: Boston, MA, March 10-14, 2009.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Bridgmon, P.B. Depriving Civil Rights:  An exploration of 18 U.S.C. 242 criminal prosecutions, 2001-2006.  Paper Presented the Annual ACJS Conference: Cincinnati, OH, March 11-15, 2008.
  • The state of security programs post-9/11:  A pedagogical analysis.  Roundtable Panel Discussant. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) Annual Conference: Cincinnati, OH, March 11-15, 2008.
  • Airport Security:  Is it futile? Roundtable Panel Discussant. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) Annual Conference: Cincinnati, OH, March 11-15, 2008.
  • Johnson, B.R. Property Crime at O’Hare International Airport:  An Examination of the Routine Activities Approach.  Paper Presented the Annual ACJS Conference Seattle, WA: March 13-18, 2007.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Breen, M. “Attitudinal Changes among Citizen Police Academy Attendees.” Paper presented at the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, IL:  September 2-30, 2006.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Fisk, T.  “Police Pension Systems in Michigan Sheriff’s Agencies.”  Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), Chicago, IL March, 2005.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Crawley, W. “Grievance arbitration in law enforcement:  The Wisconsin Experience.”  Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), Las Vegas, NV: March 9-14, 2004.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Hughes, F.S.  "Training Police Officers Who Have Learning Disabilities in Skill-Based Applications." Paper presented at the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, IL:  October, 1-3, 2003.
  • Johnson, B.R. & McKenzie, D. "Corporate Kidnapping:  Issues of Definitions, Monitoring & Reporting."  Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology, October, 2002.\
  • Johnson, B.R. & Kalinich, D.B.  "Future Issues in Security." Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), March, 2000.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Warchol, G.L.  "Bail Agents:  Adversaries or Allies of the Police? Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology (ASC), Toronto, Canada, IL:  November 17-20, 1999.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Warchol, G.L.  "Over-Reliance on Compulsory Arbitration in Michigan:  The Narcotic Effect in Action".  Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), Orlando, FL: March 9-13, 1999.
  • Chair/Discussant on Hate Crime: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), Orlando, FL: March 9-13, 1999.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Warchol, G.L.  "A Logistic Regression Analysis of Bargaining Factors Related to the Use of Act 312 arbitration in Michigan."  Paper presented at Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS): March 10-14, 1998.
  • Johnson B.R. & Warchol, G.L.  "Violent Crime in the Workplace:  Reporting Practices.”  Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS): March 10-14,1998.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Warchol, G.L. "Internal Bargaining Dynamics and their effects on the use of Act 312 Arbitration in Michigan."  Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS): Louisville, KY, March 11-15, 1997.
  • Johnson, B.R. St. Amour, A. & T. Ackerman.  "Reducing and Controlling Insurance Fraud:  A Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis.”  Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS): Louisville, KY, March 11-15, 1997.
  • Johnson, B.R.  “A.B.D. & Academic Employment:  The Challenge to Completion.” Panel Presentation at the American Society of Criminology, 48th Annual Meeting: Chicago, IL: November 20-23, 1996.
  • Warchol, G. & Johnson, B.R.  "Asset Forfeiture:  An Economic Assessment."  Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology (ASC), Chicago, IL:  November 20-23, 1996.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Warchol, G.L.  "Predicting Police Compulsory Arbitration - A Theoretical Perspective."  Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), Las Vegas, NV:  March 12-16, 1996.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Ackerman, T.H. "Prevention of Violence in the Workplace:  An Examination of Personnel Selection Methods Employed in Michigan Hospitals."  Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), Las Vegas, NV:  March 12-16, 1996.
  • Warchol, G., Witt, B.C. & Johnson, B.R.  "Print Media Depiction of High-Level White-Collar Crime."  Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology (ASC), Boston, MA: November 14-18, 1995.
  • Warchol, G. & Johnson, B.R. "Criminal Forfeiture:  An Effective Alternative to Civil Proceedings."  Paper presented at the Midwest Criminal Justice Association (MCJA), Chicago, IL: October 5, 1995.
  • Johnson, B.R., VanMeter, C.W., & Walker, R.O. "Computer Based Education in Criminal Justice:  An Evaluation."  Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), Boston, MA: March 8-11, 1995. 
  • Johnson, B.R.  “Officer Attitudes Toward Residential Requirements.”  Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), Chicago, IL: March 8-12, 1994.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Bumphus, V. “Factors Affecting Correctional Officers Perceptions of Safety and Communication - From a Traditional to New Generation Jail.”  Paper presented at the Midwest Criminal Justice Association (MCJA), Chicago, IL: September 15-17, 1993.
  • Johnson, B.R., Horvath, F.S. & M.  Martin.  “The Use of Auxiliary Police Personnel in Michigan."  Paper presented at the Midwest Criminal Justice Association (MCJA), Chicago, IL: October 2-4, 1991.
  • Johnson, B.R. & Ackerman, T.H. “An Overview of the Development of Detectives and Criminal Investigation in the United States."  Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), Nashville TN: March 5-9, 1991.                      
  • Ackerman, T.H. & Johnson, B.R.  “The Selection and Training of Municipal Police Detectives in the United States."  Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), Nashville TN: March 5-9, 1991.
  • Johnson, B.R.  “A Historical Analysis of the Development and Evolution of Criminal Investigation in the United States."  Paper presented at the Midwest Criminal Justice Association (MCJA), Chicago, IL:  October 3-5, 1990.



Page last modified September 23, 2024