Jacquelynn Doyon-Martin

Professor Martin


School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Legal Studies

B.A. Carthage College

M.A., Ph.D. Western Michigan University

Office: 237C DeVos

Phone: (616) 331-7178

E-mail: [email protected]



Critical Criminology; Environmental Crime & Justice; State & Corporate Crime; Juvenile Justice & Delinquency; Prison Education


Dr. Jacquelynn Doyon-Martin completed her undergraduate studies at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin, graduating with a B.A. in Criminal Justice, Sociology and Political Science. She earned both her M.A. and Ph.D. in Sociology (with an emphasis in Criminology & Race & Ethnic Studies) from Western Michigan University and joined the School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Legal Studies in fall of 2012.

Courses Taught

  • CJ 101 Justice and Society
  • CJ 201 Criminology
  • CJ 320 Crimes Against Women
  • CJ 350 Juvenile Justice Process
  • CJ 355 Youth Culture and Crime
  • CJ 360 Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program (this program brings SCJ "outside" students inside a local prison to have class with "inside" students in the facility).
  • CJ 370 Environmental Crime & Justice
  • CJ 400 Qualitative Methods
  • CJ 622  Juvenile Justice Systems & Issues
  • CJ 650 Criminal Justice Master's Capstone Seminar

Research Interests

Dr. Doyon-Martin’s research interests include a variety of social justice issues, focusing primarily on environmental crime and justice (green criminology), state and corporate crime, and prison education and reform. Her most current research projects include such topics as environmental justice issues surrounding the Flint Water Crisis and access to higher education in prisons.

Recent Publications

  • Doyon-Martin, J., Gonzales, A (2022). ""It Brought Life Back to Prison": A Content Analysis of a Prison-Based Dog Training Program in Four Midwestern Prisons." Contemporary Justice Review, 25(1), 82-99.
  • Marson-Reed, J., McLaughlin, O.M., Moe, A.M., Doyon-Martin, J., Cwick., Copeland, A. (2022). "It's as Hard as it Looks: Motherhood and Academia". Sociological Imagination. 57(2).
  • Doyon-Martin, J. (2020). “The Flint water crisis: A case study of state-sponsored environmental (in)justice.” Routledge International Handbook of Green Criminology (Brisman, A. & N. South, Eds.).
  • Gerkin, P. and Doyon-Martin, J. (2017). Maintaining the Failure of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration: State-Corporate Crime through Tolerance and Permission. State Crime Journal, 6 (2), 241 –264.
  • Walsh, J., Ziembo-Vogl, J. and Doyon-Martin, J. (2016). Framing Attica: Newsprint Media Construction of the 1971 Attica Prison Riot: Claims-makers, Frame Salience and the Cultural Geography of Readership. Misión Jurídica, 8 (10), 29 – 48.
  • Doyon-Martin-Martin, J.A. (2015). “Cybercrime in West Africa as a Result of Transboundary E-Waste.” Journal of Applied Security Research, 10 (2), 207-220.
  • Gerkin, P. & Doyon-Martin-Martin, J.A. (2015). “Asbestos: Not just an Exhibit at the Smithsonian,” Critical Criminology, 23 (2), 311-328.
  • Doyon-Martin, J.A. and Bradshaw, E. (2015). “Unfettered Fracking: A Critical Examination of Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States;” Chapter in the Routledge International Handbook of Crimes in the Powerful. Ed. Gregg Barak.
  • Doyon-Martin, J.A. (2015). “The International Impact of Electronic Waste.” Chapter in the Routledge International Handbook of Crimes in the Powerful. Ed. Gregg Barak.

Page last modified September 13, 2024